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“You lied to me, girl.”

“When?” Till this day I had never challenged my father's word.

“You’ve betrayed this family with this ...this man.”

I stepped from Grayson’s arms and edged around the desk to my father’s side. I slipped my hand into his. “I never lied, and the problems you two have are your own. Not mine. Just because you and he have issues doesn’t mean I have to let them control who I associate myself with or work for.”

“Disgraceful is what this is,” he hissed, but I noticed he didn’t jerk his hand from mine.

“Dad,” I pleaded and waited for him to look at me. When he finally did, I had one more word for him. “Please.”

“What will your mother say?”

I shrugged. “That I’m a grown woman and what I’m doing is for me.”

“This doesn’t change the fact I don’t want him anywhere near you.” His eyes darted to Grayson, who had fixed his tie and was now slipping on his suit jacket.

“But what about what I want?”

He didn’t answer me. I looked on as my father turned and stormed off, anger in his eyes and hurt buckling his shoulders.

Well shit. Now what?

“I have to go, Grayson. I’m sorry.”

I didn’t dare turn around to feel the heated look pinned to my retreating back.

Chapter Seven


The first week without her hurt the most. Or so I thought. By the time week three rolled around I was a raging tiger with a huge thorn in my foot and it had a name. Connor.

That man has dumped more misery into my life than any other person on the face of the Earth.

I stalked the length of my desk, pivoted and retraced my steps. I was due to meet with a client in three hours. I needed to clear my fucking head but all I could think about was her.

“So, are you going or what?”

I turn at the cutting voice coming from my office door.

“Or what seems to be the better option. If she wanted me, she would have come back already. I need to move on.”

“Have you called her?”


“Foolish men.” Morre pushed through my office door and took a seat across from me, crossing her legs and waiting for me to stop pacing.

“What,” I growled.

“This.” Trish came in, lips pursed and holding out my cell phone. “Leaving it at my desk doesn’t mean I’ll answer, by the way. But you should read these.”

I’d left the phone on my partner’s assistant's desk in order to not shoot five hundred text messages to Cherry and make myself look weak.

I flipped the phone over and on the screen are three lines all from Cherry.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.
