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Miles, wearing the biggest grin, steps out from behind a rig, swoops me in his arms and plants the biggest kiss on my lips.

“Whoa, hello to you too, handsome.”

Cheers and whoops erupt and I don’t know if I should laugh or bury my face in his chest. All the guys and a few women in suspenders and Cherry Falls Fire Station shirts applaud.

“Finally,” I hear someone shout.

“Pay no attention to them. Thanks for coming. I thought you would like to see the kids again. Smiling this time.”

We spend several hours with twenty kids crawling all over the fire engines, honking horns and stuffing their faces with muffins. It’s the happiest I’ve felt in a longlongtime. Losing Gran hit home hard, but this, seeing these kids happy and knowing I had a hand on putting those apple-covered smiles on their faces warms my heart. Moving here was right for me.

I don’t care what Miles says about not being right for a family. He’s perfect with these kids. Anyone can see that. In time I’m sure he’ll see it too. I touch my stomach and wonder what it would be like to have one of my own. Would they have Miles’ chocolate brown eyes or my lighter ones? His golden heart or my fun-loving ways?

He’s given me his seed so many different ways it’s hard to think I’m not. What’s more, neither of us have worried about it. That’s how perfect I feel with him. I’ve never thought those words before, certainly never given myself to another the way I have with Miles.

“You seem deep in thought.”

“Huh, oh hey, sweetie.” I hug Poppy, shaking off all my inner thoughts. I don’t realize I am staring off into the distance until she walks up. “Whatcha got there?” Her arms are full of bundles and I suspect they are for the little ones running around enjoying their day at the station.

Poppy is all smiles, but she seems happier than usual. I love my friend's carefree attitude today. It’s a wonder we aren’t sisters.

She follows my line of sight.

“Hmm-hmm. Yep, he’s cute with kids. I bet you two would make super cute babies.”

See. Sisters. It’s like she knows my thoughts. “Poppy, you’re amazing.”

“So I’ve been told.”

As if sensing our eyes on him, Miles walks over, leaving Duke to fend for himself amongst a group of very curious eight-year-olds.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Babies,” Poppy quips, all too happy to share.

Miles’ eyebrows shoot up and my friend walks off laughing.

“Pay no attention to her.”

“I’m not, but I like her train of thought.”

He's looking at me. a peculiar look that says this very topic scares and equally excites him.

“I want to have babies with you.”

My eyes dart around to see who might have overheard, but everyone is leaving us be in our little corner of the fire station driveaway. Surprise drops my mouth open a few inches. Why I don’t know. It’s not like I haven’t been thinking about it all damn afternoon, but to hear the words? My heart flutters erratically.

He goes to walk away with a devilish wink but I grab him.

“Oh, no. You can’t drop that bomb and walk away.”

He leans in, those devilish lips a warm caress against the shell of my ear, and whispers, “I’ve come so deep inside you I bet you’re already pregnant.”

“That’s kind of arrogant,” I tease, wanting to get him a little riled.

“I have strong swimmers.”

“You’re the devil, Miles Malone.”
