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“Fair point.”

“In my experience guys like sweets and flowers too.”

“Touché. What makes this guy stand out?”

“The fact he didn’t have a wedding band, fake tan and could spell hydrangea when I asked for him to write down his order.”

I smother a giggle. “You what?”

“Evil I know, I know, but what can I say? I like brains. They’re sexy. What about you? Why haven't you asked that hot fire chief over for some of your cupcakes? He’s got it all. Brains and the bod.”

Poppy waggles her perfectly tweezed brows at me and winks. “Think I haven’t noticed him eyeing your cute little ass every time he comes in here or sees you walking down the street? I have an ear, too. People are talking.”

“People are what?” Great! I make a show of clutching my chest. “Please don’t let me become the topic of the town’s gossip. I thought there had to be a year of residency before one was up for nomination,” I joke.

We touch this topic of the fire chiefat leastonce a week so I knew it would come up sooner or later given Valentine's is right around the corner and Poppy is trying to play Cupid. Again. “He’s cute, but—”

“Wicked. Sexy.”

“Okay, he’s a ‘drop-dead gorgeous, I would burn down my house just to be in his arms’ kinda hot.”

Poppy bobs her head. “There you go. But?”

“But every time I try to talk to him he grunts, takes his order, and walks out. End of story. And he never crosses the street to talk to me when we see each other out and about.” I pause. “But there was that one time, in his office. I stopped by to donate some leftover goodies from a bake sale.” I look dreamily to the ceiling, pretending to be lost in a fantasy.

“The time he almost kissed you. I’ve heard.”

“It’s seared into my brain, Poppy.” I turn the lock on the front door and flip the closed sign to open before getting back to my two projects waiting on the back work table. “I swear I have the worst timing possible. The fire alarm went off and he went into fire chief mode. Sexy as hell in those suspenders and gear, but yeah, mood killer too.”

“Change of subject before you turn any redder. I meant to tell you, there’s a pup by your back door. Little cutie pie tried hard to get in.”

“Oh, man, did you close the door?”

“Yep, don’t worry. I gotta run now, but catch you later?” Poppy grabs her box of naughty heart cookies and heads for the front door. She stops short and turns on her heel. “Wait. What the heck are you working on now?”

“Just noticing, huh? A headless penis if I can’t get this mold just right.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’ve seen it all now.”

“It will have cream in the center when I’m done.” I pour in the cake batter and slide the cake into the oven. “There. Twenty minutes and I’ll have a penis to decorate.”

“It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen. Can I have pictures when you’re done?”

“Sure,” I say with a low laugh. “I think the friends of the bachelorette want to surprise the bride-to-be after the main cake or the other way around. No idea. All five of the ladies were laughing too hard to ask when they came in to make the order.”

The bell over the front door jingles. I turn, expecting to see the blonde-haired, green-eyed Casey Cook. She’s worked for me since day one and is never late.

Instead, it’s a different set of eyes that reach for mine.

“Miles!” I glance at the clock. “You're late. Everything ok down at the station?” Every time he comes in, it’s sharply at noon for his weekly dose of sugar for him and the crew.

I try for small talk but he only nods.

From behind him, Poppy flashes me a smile and gives me the thumbs up before dashing out the door.

Unaware of my silent conversation, he weaves through the tables dotting the front area of the bakery in his usual confidant gate. Strong legs encased in black and a navy blue short-sleeved Henley with Cherry Falls Fire Station of the left pec clings to perfectly taut muscles. I can practically see the ridges through the cotton of his shirt. And the way the hem of the sleeve grips his biceps...swoon.

The memory of his lips almost touching mine that one time sends a shudder through me.
