Page 2 of Justice for Three

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It’s also how I know Seth is allergic to mushrooms and Lucian only drinks water with his meals. I’m just pissed at myself that I thought this time would be different. Being an official holder of a bachelor's degree in business as of two days ago should be noteworthy. Damn, even cold-hearted people can give out a handshake, right?

We’re both workaholics, so I get it. I’m also a studyaholic, compounding the multiple issues that sit between us. But my heart still aches for some kind of acknowledgment from the woman who should be the first to cheer me on.

“Forget about it, Justice.” I straighten my shoulders and shove down all the shit that enters my brain every time I come to the twenty-fifth floor—aka the ice cave.

A small woman with a tight blonde bun and flawless skin pokes her head through the door, does a quick check behind her and then pushes through metal doors large enough to fit a herd of elephants. Instead of the thrill I wish I felt at finally seeing my mother, all I have inside me is disappointment. One look at the other woman’s face and I know what’s about to happen. It’s almost become a game between my mother and I.

I show up. She has to leave. If I didn’t know any better, I would say my mother is allergic to any element of emotion. Or me. Both more than likely. I remind her of her one weakness. Lucky me. Sins of the mother, I guess.

Who the hell really knows? I never have long enough with her to ask. Years of boarding school led to college and then working full-time to one day take over the Thorne empire. Or so goes the plan. Honestly, I’m having second and third thoughts about the whole plan my mother cooked up for me before I could even walk.

“Wow. You’re still here. I thought you would have bailed a long time ago.” Kohl-darkened eyes land on mine, and I see regret staring back at me. My mother’s assistant puts an arm around me, and I lean into her kindness before she pulls away.

I shrug. “I guess I just had a lot on my mind. Used the time to gather my rambling thoughts.”

“Yeah, about that, Justice...umm...listen, babe, I’m really sorry,” she starts and I hold a hand up.

“Let me guess. She’s not coming, is she?”

Kandy just shakes her head. “She had to take a quick flight out to California. Something about the new manufacturer there having issues with some specs on the new tech schematics. She wants to see to the problem personally.”

I nod. I’ve always been an afterthought. I know it as a fact, but the sting burns deep. “Of course she does. When did she leave?” I grab my bag and coffee and come to stand in front of a woman I’ve become friends with over the last couple of years, given I talk with her more on a daily basis.

“She headed out about fifteen minutes ago. Sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. She had me running ragged with last-minute details, and I didn’t want to tell you over stupid Messenger.”

I smile at Kandy, one of the few people within the company that has a soul left and cares for others while many within these walls have fallen prey to my mother’s cold-heartedness.

“She asked me to reschedule, but I...” She trailed off with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

Yeah, we both knew how this game would play out over the next couple of weeks. Reschedule and then that got pushed back too. On and on it would go until one of us gave up. Usually me.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay, Kandy.” I sigh heavily. “All of a sudden I'm not in the mood to really celebrate anyway.” I hold back my annoyance, knowing it’s not Kandy’s fault.

I’m swiftly pulled into a warm hug. “Congrats on your degree, babe. If it counts for anything, I’m reallyreallyhappy for you, girl. You’re a kickass boss bitch.”

When it was just the two of us, Kandy let her real sassy self shine, and it made me smile for the first time today.

“You know,” my friend drawls out teasingly, walking with me to the elevator. “Youshouldknow her security detail, Lucian, Seth and Jacob, they uhh...”

I come up short of hitting the down button. “Yeah?” I want to shake her. “Well?”

“Well, they stayed behind on this trip. I saw them head down to their private floor myself right before I came here. They seemed pissed about something. I saw your mom corner them and she didn’t look happy. I think I heard your name come up.”

My brows pinch together. “Really? That’s odd.”

“Yeah, who knows why your mom does anything. She took a few of the new guys, instead. Another security firm looking to get a foot in on the scene. Can’t say her old detail is too happy about it, but...”

Kandy leans a shapely hip against the wall beside the elevator with a cocky know-it-all smirk on her face. “Just saying, if you still feel like celebrating…”

“You’re just trying to sweet-talk me into seducing my mother’s hired guards.”

A satisfied look comes over her perfectly dolled-up face. “Be honest, is it working?”

I take a deep draw from my iced coffee to keep myself from asking something along the lines of is a quickie in the bodyguard’s lounge too slutty of me?

Kandy pitched her voice low. “Getting laid by those three muscled hunks would make your day a whole lot better. Trust me.”

Oh, I did. No one walked with a sway in their hips like my buttoned-up sex kitten friend unless she had some dirty stories to tell.
