Page 10 of Eating Kandy

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“We’ll talk about your lack of safety later—right now I want to eat my candy.”

Chapter Three



I can’t wrap my head around why she’s working in a garage all alone when anyone could assault her. Too many people in my line of work underestimate the ability of another human being doing someone harm. Believe me, the size of a town doesn’t mean squat.

With a quick glance around the garage, it’s easy to see the place needs new wiring, new windows and the locks are jokes to anyone with a bobby pin.

I bet the place hasn’t had an upgrade since her father owned it. And who knows before that. It probably violates a dozen fire codes and this tiny one-bedroom apartment doesn’t fare much better starting with the flimsy lock on the handle she doesn’t even use.

I balk at the thought of her in the garage alone and cold with a bunch of truckers and bikers drifting through town. I’m sure she thinks she can take care of herself, but a fair amount of my gender are assholes who don’t deserve to look at Kandy, let alone touch her. And if any of those pie guys got some liquid courage on a frigid night, she might get some unwelcome visitors.

Thinking worst case scenario is part of my job in and out of the military so it comes second nature.

With some new wiring I could set her up with a security service from my firm. Hell, I can send the team out to set it up this week. Fuck that. I don’t want my employees anywhere near Kandy or her pie.

Where the hell that thought comes from leaves me baffled.

But her tight ass in my hands and pussy dry humping my cock doesn’t let my thoughts get much further than that.

I kick the door shut behind us and spread Kandy out on the nearest surface. Waves of brown locks fan out on the kitchen table and I’m mesmerized by the view. I have heaven laid out in front of me—a gorgeous, curvy woman so wet she soaked through her panties and my jeans, eager for my cock.

“Come here, baby.”

I pull her into a sitting position. “I want you. I want you so badly my balls are heavy with cum. But I don’t want you wearing another man’s wedding dress when I take you.”

I sink my fingers into her hair and pull her to me. Claiming her mouth in hard kiss, neither of us come up for air until we’re both gasping for it.

“Oh, jealous much?”

I know she’s teasing but underneath the joke I can hear a twinge of pain. She desperately wants someone to crave her, want her and at least for the next couple of days I can be the one to provide. Show her just how tempting and beautiful she really is. And if that ex of hers shows his face I’ll plant my fist in it for hurting her so deeply.

I reach for the zipper and tug, instantly loving how the sides of the bodice peels open like a blooming flower.

She sighs a sexy little sound as the heavy weight of her breasts are freed and the sound shoots straight to my aching cock.

With a pound worth of silk and ruffles in my hands I lift her up and tear the damn thing off of her to reveal a white lacy bra and matching panties I know to be a thong.

I pull off my shirt and toss it on the table behind her. When my gaze falls to hers I see appreciation flicker back.

I drop to my knees in front of her.

Thighs spread wide, I push them wider to fit my shoulders. I take her mile-long legs and wrap them over my shoulders.

“Fuck me.” I groan fiercely and I take pride in the shiver I feel run through her when I blow hot air over the little nub.

“Ryder, please. Don’t make me wait.”

Kandy begging has always been my weakness. My forbidden hunger really.

With my hands on both her smooth, creamy thighs I pull her to the edge of the table and ease her to recline on my shirt.

Slipping my thumbs beneath the lacy edges I ease the dainty scrap of cloth from her, one leg at a time. With them finally off I swear I can smell the sweetness of her arousal and I lean back a little so I can appreciate the piece of sweetness I’ve just unwrapped.

And she’s all mine. Unlike all the Halloween candy I gathered as a kid and shared with friends and siblings, this treat belongs to me. OnlyIget to eat it.
