Page 3 of Wynter's Coming

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I brought my cup to my lips, barely tasting the now-cooled coffee. My brain buzzed and it had nothing to do with the caffeine. And forget the dis these two guys just layered on me. They weren’t my cup of tea either. Hell, I might not be Mateo’s. Really, honestly, I know I’m not, but still. What if, right?

Not only was Mateo on Jolly Nights, he was using Scrooge as a screen name. And he was looking for a virgin.

The cards were all stacked in my favor.

Holy shit. My luck just turned around. Or, I suffered from having a really bad idea making my face flame red. I felt like my wicked sins were shining bright for all to see. I quickly ducked my head.

I could really have a chance with Mateo. The man I’ve secretly lusted for since arriving in North Pole. I never thought I’d find a man like him in a town this size. Commanding. Handsome in ways that have me aching to have him between my legs, and kissing me so hard I lose track of the days. Forget being dry around him. Just the idea of having him go down on me in the middle of his office has me creaming my panties. And when the stars align with the moon and he graces the accounting department, leaving behind the scent of his cologne, my fantasies run wild for days.

Not surprisingly, he didn’t have a clue of my existence. Which might be to my benefit, come to think of it. My employment in the lower levels of the hotel kept me from crossing his path too often. He spends most of his time locked away in his tower—the penthouse suite of Luna hotel where he lived and worked. The place sprawls across a ten-acre spread of lush greenery in the summer and a winter wonderland come winter like now. Everywhere you look there’s a sea of white with the castle turned posh hotel sitting dead center. It’s a postcard I never grow tired of.

At twenty-two and another December already well on its way, I thought for sure I would be long past the virgin part of my life.

Err… I’m embarrassed to say no dice. Nerdy accountants don’t get the sexy guys chasing after them, I’m sad to report. I don’t even have dirty stories to share of backseat groping or picking up a guy at the bar. I just can’t seem to bring myself to engage in a casual fling. The idea of letting some strange guy inside my body has me shuddering with dread.

That said, I pant at the idea of finally getting beneath the sheets with someone a little hotter and more experienced than my vibrator. I mean, I’m not exactly saving myself for someone special or some Mr. Forever. But someone I have respect for and I know will make me love every minute of the deed would be nice.

And that is where Mateo comes in. Latin, dreamy eyes and damn, I just knew without a doubt he would sound sexy as sin telling me to come all over his cock with that Spanish accent.

The minute I saw him, I knew exactly who I’d been saving myself for—Mateo Caldera aka off-limits billionaire mousy me doesn’t stand a chance with.

Out of my league, possibly universe. And even if by some miracle he noticed me, he held a strict policy about upper management not dating employees. What were the chances he’d be willing to bend those rules for someone like me?

My sour thoughts matched my wet feet—cold and miserable. A tiny tear escaped the corner of one eye and slid down my cheek. I swiped it away with the back of my hand, hoping no one noticed.

They didn’t. Naturally.

West and Porter still snickered like horny schoolboys behind me over their boss’s Jolly Nights ads.

My phone vibrated with a message from Pepper, my BFF, who ran the hotel salon.

Guess what, next 2 apps bailed. Gotta love December! Dudes were too hung over to get out of bed. Come by for some pampering and love XOXO

I stared at her message through blurry eyes, instantly back on track with my slutty idea I had no right to be considering.

I shouldn’t.

It’s crazy.

Could I?

I shrug to myself, loving the devil whispering in my ear…but,Wynterwhat do you have to lose?

Right. Fuck it.

I can forever be the mousy invisible woman waiting for someone to see me and my life to begin. Or I could make my own damn Christmas miracle.

One that landed a certain Latin lover between my legs.

Merry Christmas to me!


“Fuck me!” Pepper’s jaw dropped, exposing the giant wad of pink bubblegum in her mouth. Pepper hailed from Staten Island. We’d met on the job and became instant besties. True to her Staten Island roots, Pepper embraced big hair, fluorescent nails and a flamboyant wardrobe. But for her position as the head stylist at the Luna,she adopted a posh East Coast accent, nude nails, and tamed her black curls into a sleek knot at the base of her neck. She sold beauty without even trying.

I swing through the doors and sigh with relief to see it’s just the two of us. Pepper greeted me with a smile and whirled me across polished marble floors post large black and white photos of stunning supermodels covering the walls. Each one we passed caused me to question my plan. Everything in this place oozed glitzy glamour. Just like everything else in the hotel. Luckily, this morning’s snowstorm kept the customers snuggled down in their beds so nobody witnessed my hopeful transformation from duck to swan, if Pepper’s reputation is anything to go on.

Pepper slid me into an empty chair and leaned me back, my thick long hair in her hands. “I’d ask what brought on this change of attitude, but I know you. If you think about this for three more minutes, you’ll chicken out and I’ll have to chase you down.” She glared at me in the mirror as if daring me to even try.
