Page 67 of Savage Justice

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“Good girl,malyshka. Good girl.” His tone is pure alpha male—possessive, claiming. Unapologetic.

My pussy clenches.

So close, so fast.

The independent woman in me wants to slap those words off his lips, but the submissive side of me is the one who controls my hips. I buck and lean into his arms. He holds me close to him; our body heat all but melds together.

He gently pushes my legs wider over top of him and I ride him a little faster, seeking the pleasure and the praise. His eyes hold mine.

“Give me what I want. Let me have those juices. Give me what’s mine,” he orders.

For the life of me, I can’t remember why I should be scared of the mafia man working my body with such expert precision.

Wickedness glides across his face in a smile. I can’t look away.

My heart ignites into a flutter of anticipation. We’re silent for a moment before he gruffs a question I suspected would come. “What changed? What made you Reina the hacker?”

He pulls me to straddle him and I gasp feeling his arousal settle against my sex. Hot and hungry. Two layers of denim between us and I can feel the need seep through as if there is nothing between us.

“Ares?” He is what I don’t need but crave. Wicked, wrong, and yet…

My core tightens with the ache to feel him stretching me with his thick girth.

“Shh,malyshka.” For the barest span of a second when I look at him I perceive more than the criminal willing to kill for me. I see the alpha male ready to claim what he wants. And I’m the innocent woman caught in his sights.

He finds my throbbing clit and sets to teasing it furiously while his other hand tightens against my hip painfully. I love the burn, the emotions driving him to sink every last one of those fingers into my skin. It’s what holds me to this moment and to him.

“Oh God, Ares!” I scream and find perfect bliss with one more thrust of his fingers. I cry out again and nearly splinter when shockwaves rake through me. He gives my clit another tender pat and pulls his hand free.

I look on as he lifts his fingers to his lips and cleans both of my juices. He growls his approval. I don’t see it coming, but when his hand touches the back of my head and pulls me in I take the kiss. His tongue plunges inside and he takes what he wants, giving me the taste of my juices in return.

I savor the feeling of his tongue sweeping over mine. Our chests touch and with every inhalation, my beaded nipples scrape against the hardness of his pecs.

Mmm. Delicious.

Fingers clench the back of my head. He uses that handful of hair to control me. He breaks the kiss and pulls me back to trail hot nips and licks down the side of my neck. The fabric of his shirt bunches beneath my tight grip.

“Fucking delicious,” he mutters over my skin and in the same breath says.“Ty ne dolzhna byla byt takoy.” The brush of his lips, the hot path of his tongue over the places his teeth scrape send me reeling closer to another orgasm.

I don’t know what he said but it sounds sensual.

“You were not supposed to be like this. So irresistible.” His words are a murmured whisper I don’t think I’m supposed to hear.

“Ares, please.” I rake my fingers through his hair, tighten them around his thick locks. It’s useless to try and control him. No one commands Ares. He does what he wants, how he wants.

I need to think straight. Telling him he shuts my brain down and my libido on isn’t the smartest. Arming the criminal is always a bad idea.

His eyes burn with lust and wonder when he releases me and sits back. “Now continue. ”

My eyes widen. “What? Now?” I shimmy my hips over his erection and remind him of the other half we need to attend to.

“Da, now.”

“Um…” I try to stitch together my scattered thoughts and it takes me a minute. His hands busy themselves refastening my button.

“You’re too tempting. The men will be back soon. You were telling me about your uncle. Continue.”

I huff a humorless laugh, a shaky sound that reveals the state of my nerves. “When I turned seventeen my uncle tried to go after Polaris. I guess I was too big and strong. He liked them meek and defenseless. She was only eleven at the time. He fell asleep that night and I stood over him. A kitchen knife in my hand. I must have stayed there fifteen minutes willing myself to drive the knife through his cold, black shriveled up heart. Only a sniffling, crying Polaris grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room stopped me. I didn’t look back when I grabbed my sister and took off. That night I became the queen of my own life. Reina.”
