Page 87 of Savage Justice

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I moan into his mouth when he breaks away to steal my lips with his. There’s a ravenous hurriedness to the way he pries my mouth open with his tongue. I give in to him and savor the feel of his tongue sweeping over mine. I rock my hips, fucking him as much as he fucks me, both of us breathless and hungry for the other.

I run my hands up his back and this time feeling those scars don’t make me feel heartbroken for the boy who received them, but proud of the man who wears them with pride. He saved others from pain, though it nearly killed him. And he was willing to do the same for me.

“I love you. Ares, I love you more than I’ve ever loved someone. Being away from you tore my heart out. I just didn’t know how I could face you after what I did.”

Finger collar my throat and his fingers grip me possessively. I gasp and moan, loving the feeling of each finger branding my skin. My pulse thrums against his touch. “Never fear me. Never hide from me again. Promise me.”


My back bows off the mattress and he picks me up, leaning back on his heels. He settles me over his lap and I begin to move over his cock. Taking him deeper and deeper with each unhurried stroke.

His arms bear my weight and I lean into them trusting him to keep me safe. Trusting him with my body, heart and soul.

Wet, hungry lips wrap around one nipple and suckle before moving to the next.

My head falls back and I am swept away by all that is the man I love. His scent, his touch, his body.

“You belong to me not because I bought you, but because you freely give me your heart.”

“Yes,” I confirm raising my head to lock gazes with him. “Yes.” He spreads out on the bed and draws me on top. I ride him, our movements in sync. I cling to him and meet every upward thrust he gives with one of my own. Together we stoke the fires inside us. He grips my hips burrowing so deeply inside me I’m left gasping his name.

“That’s it,malyshka.Give me all of you. I want everything with you. I want your screams, your juices, your body, and what’s here. He pulls me to a sitting position and places a kiss over my heart.

I cup his face. “It’s yours. I fear it was since the first time you put me in cuffs.”

Flames from the candles dance in his dark eyes. Heat sweeps over me and I continue to ride him.

“Fuck me, malyshka. Take my cock and milk me. I’m going to feed your pussy all of my milk; I want to see you round with my baby. I want to care for you, love you, and never let another soul come between us again.

I still. “Ares,” I start, unsure how to continue with what I have to say.

“He sweeps my hair from my shoulder. Up until that second, I never realized it escaped the knot I had it in.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

I take his hand from my hip and settle it over my stomach. “I know,malyshka. Your life. Your death. Your way. I can only hope I fit within those words. Let me show you how I will love you. Save me from my darkness and I promise to save you from yours.”

“You already have.”

His dark brows pinch together. What do you mean?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Goosebumps spring to life over my arms when saying those two words out loud for the first time. I didn’t even tell my sister.

“Pregnant? Pregnant,” he repeats reverently. His expression is that of wonder and awe. So unlike the scowling man I first met.

“When?” He traces his fingers lightly over my back, tracing each bone with a possessive touch I feel to my very core.

“Your bike. Down by the river. You took me with no protection.”

“I remember. It was the best night of my life. I thought you were dead until I found you standing in the middle of that asshole’s bar fighting like you were a warrior princess. I fell in love with you that night.”

“I did the same. You rescued me and I didn’t even know it.”

He rolls us over and he pins me to the mattress with his massive weight. I take it and wrap my arms around him wanting him closer still. He pistons deep inside me and I rock my hips to meet his thrusts. Together we seek our releases.

There’s nothing slow about it either. The second he took me I knew my orgasm would be explosive. My body craved his as much as my heart did to hear his voice. We’re breathless and holding each other so tightly that when I scream my release his roar mixes with mine. Our chests vibrate and I can feel my life force twine with his. Wise people from the far corners of the world say soulmates are real. That those who find them are lucky to have such a force of energy binding them to those who would give their life for yours.

I believe them now.

Growing up such a thing sounded foolish. How could I ever trust someone as savage as my god of war? But in reality, there’s no one I trust more. No one I will ever love more. He’s perfect for me. My savage justice. My warrior. The man who went to war to save me.

“I love you, Ares.”

I feel his mouth curl into a grin where he’s kissing the dip in my neck. “Let me show you how much I love you, my white-haired angel.” He moves his hips and his spent cock is rock hard once again and nowhere near done with me.

Good. Because these candles have hours left to live and I am just getting started.
