Page 1 of Savage Thief

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Daddy told me to stay away from monsters. He is forever saying all men are capable of evil and lurk in the shadows ready to destroy the little princesses of powerful kings. That one must be wary at all times or end up victims of their dark deeds.

I never believed him.

My controlling, overprotective daddy likes to believe all princesses are made of light and rainbows, unable to sin.

I scoff. I don’t want his protection and I’m no damsel in distress in need of saving. This is no fairy tale of sweetness and pretty glitter, either. What I want is dark, gritty. Decadent and raw. Filthy, in a word.

Don’t get me wrong I love a good fairy tale and sweeping feel-good heroics like every other princess. But sometimes—okay, all the time—I see myself with the villain.

So I ask you this, what if the princess of this story likes the darkness and wants the monster to catch her? Does that make you hate her or love her?

And in case I’m not being obvious enough, I’m the princess in question. The queen-in-training to the Titan empire. Mafia blood courses through my veins, my status invisible to all those outside the family. Only the criminals of my daddy’s world can see through the veil of innocence to recognize the blue in my veins and the jewels on my head.

But I don’t want the title nor the crown.

I wanthim.

I’m helpless to protect myself against the dark desires coursing through me. Should I fear them, revel in them? Banish all the wicked thoughts of possession and lust from my body and mind?

If you have a remedy I don’t know about, please do share. I’ve tried everything in the books to forget the man I shouldn’t want. It only makes me want him more. Like some reverse spell, Hoodoo or Voodoo shit, I swear with my hand on a stack of bibles.

Since that’s the closest thing I have to answers, I’m left with only one option. I’ll have to go searching for them and that means I’ll need to do the unthinkable—I’ll let the monster I seek get his wicked hands on me. Only then will I have the answers to all my questions.

Who knows. Maybe once I purge his wickedness from my system, I can get my life back. Lord, let it be so because I’m tired of the internal torture ruining me.

I carry these thoughts with me across the vast manicured lawn of my daddy’s estate, thankful for the moonless night. My heart races and my pulse thunders just beneath the surface of my heated skin. Lush grass slips between my toes as I make my way deeper into the shadows in search of the very monster I’ve been warned against.

Patience has never been a strong suit of mine. A Titan trait, or so I’m told. Truth is, I’ve held out for two long years. It’s not easy burying the truth inside, but I managed. Isn’t that long enough? If not, then how long am I supposed to wait before these raw emotions consume me alive from within?

More questions I don’t have the answers to.

Wet leaves lick across my bare thighs where my night shorts ride high. I should be embarrassed by my desires. Or maybe at the very least ashamed, but the ache inside me only calms whenheis near.

John Hark.

A Titan enforcer. A modern-day outlaw.



And the man I love.

I flick each of these swirling thoughts away like bothersome afterthoughts.

Shivers climb the length of my spine and a rush of adrenaline refuels my hammering heart trying to beat a hole through my chest.

It’s almost pitch-black so I cling to the sides of massive shrubs until the edge sweeps away to reveal a narrow, softly lit path I used to play on as a child. Cool stones press into the bottoms of my feet as I hurry. At the end of the walkway is where my monster awaits.

I knew I was in trouble the second the man walked into our lives like a hurricane hell-bent on creating chaos. He came to us on a night much like this one which I should have taken as a sign of something dark and foreboding coming my way, but hindsight and all that.

It was his arresting black eyes that I noticed first as Daddy introduced me to the new Titan enforcer—a fancy way of saying trigger-puller, trust me.

The way the dark stranger’s hand slid over mine, each finger encasing my smaller hand until the warmth of his palm caressed over mine. Powerful. In control. Almost like he wanted me to feel the strength of his warm, arousing touch. But it was the way he looked at me that stole all my senses. I swear, some unseen force fused me to the man the second our gazes connected. I felt heart-struck from that night on.
