Page 10 of Savage Thief

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“After you feed my cock all your sweetness, I’m going to flip you over and take the last virgin part of you. Iwillown you. All of you, Asena. Every fucking delicious inch of you.” He mumbles something else under his breath, something of torture and heaven. But honestly, I’m stuck on the idea of him taking methere.

The power in his words sends chills of excitement and fear to fall over me with the force of a thousand tiny beads of electricity exploding against me.

“Why?” I draw out breathlessly.

“Why what? Why do I want you so fucking much? Because I’m insane.”

That makes two of us.

I think about all the months neither of us moved on our feelings. “Then why did you wait so long?”

“Because I was trying to be what I’m not. Good. And I didn’t relish spending more time in prison for jailbait.”

But I’m no longer underage. Feeling bolder, I shimmy my hips into him. The growling response from him tells me I’m in big trouble.

My heart hammers. My skin shimmers with an invisible force. I cry out clinging to him as he pounds me into the bed. Nothing about this screams love. It’s pure and raw. But I’m no delicate fucking princess too fragile for handling.

But I’m still not ready for the wrecking ball shattering my strength and stealing every good sense I have. Like a savage thief taking everything I am, Hark surges deep inside me one last time and together we meet our end. The force of my release triggers his. My walls clamp around him and I feel every pulsating throb of his seed filling the confines of the condom.

Before I can catch my breath, make plans for this to happen again, or convince him to steal me away from here, a phone rings, killing me inside.

Black eyes meet mine. “It seems the king demands an audience.”



You have to become what you hunt in order to kill it.

I don’t remember where I read or heard those words, but they’ve stuck with me for well over a decade. You can call them my motto, but I’d say they are more like the fabric of my DNA— their meaning is fused with the very marrow of my bones. I’ve molded my life around them and now I’m in too deep to try and rewrite my sole purpose of existing.

And why I have no fucking business touching Asena. It feels like life just began for me tasting all her sweet juices and hearing her soft, innocent cries of pleasure.

When I was a kid, my happy place was any time I could get away from my father. But now, thirty years later my life finally took a turn the second I opened my eyes to find her standing in my bathroom.

In my opinion, I think it’s fate having a good laugh at my expense because you know what? I don’t get to keep the pretty princess. I meant what I said. She needs to walk away from me while she can. I was born into depravity. I’ve lived it and have come to embrace it.

While she’s nothing but pure and good.

One encounter won’t tarnish her too badly, but one and done. Never again.

The power in that woman rivals mine, but my marked future comes with a shelf life that’s about to expire. Hers doesn’t. I can’t subject her to the shit storm I know is coming for me. She speaks to me in ways my soul wants to grab onto and never let go of. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let the darkness in me bleed over and leech her of the light.

I’m toxic but the overly shielded princess can’t tell the difference between poison and water.

She’ll find out soon enough, hopefully before the addiction I have for her turns monstrous.

I crack my neck and roll out the pain buried in my left shoulder from an old bullet wound before twisting the door handle and walking into the Titan palace.

Gold and white shine with unbridled opulence.

I’m every bit the murdering, piece-of-shit bastard everyone thinks I am. Just the way I like it. Arrogant, ballsy, and a chip larger than my size fourteen boot on my shoulder backed up by the sheer power of my double 44 Mags. And if those don’t scare the motherfuckers gunning to add my soul to their count, then my bloody reputation carries enough weight to send them scurrying into the shadows.

Speaking of scared little shits. The hired muscle Titan litters his foyer with all slink to the side when I stroll through the front door. None of them dare lock eyeballs, the pussies. And Titan thinks these men will protect him? Stupid man.

They’ve seen me fill a few unmarked graves for their boss without blinking. I guess that might make weaker men cower.

And I saytheirboss because the man at the helm of this family of thugs is not anything more to me than a target. One I’ve had in my crosshairs for nearly ten years now. Only the last two years of those I’ve been on the inside as an undercover cop. Every minute of every day has been torture. Wake up, watch the criminals around me abuse and kill their way to the top.
