Page 14 of Savage Thief

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I fight my way off the floor. At my back, I hear Titan bark his orders. He’ll probably run now. Leave the dirty work to his right hand. The coward.

“Leave him alive long enough to let him die outside his precinct.”

“What about me?”

I peel my eyes off the Druid to see worry scrunch Rosario’s face. The smell of piss coming from his direction is embarrassing.

“Let his brothers find his body alongside his handler’s. Send a final message the Titans are not to be fucked with.”

Rosario falls to his knees. “I have more information. There are others. Please, I can help you.”

With a force I don’t recognize, I throw off the fucker using two hands to hold me down. One of them makes the mistake of trying for a better grip on my arm and that is when I break his nose.

I snarl in his face and repeat my movements shaking off the piece of shit holding my left. This one has tucked one of my Desert Eagle 44 Magnums into the back of his pants. Fool. I jerk it free, aim and start taking out the trash. One by one the enforcers I spent the last two years building a case against drop to the floor dead. Skip jail, but don’t collect two hundred on the way out either.

The deafening sound of my gun is like a beautiful song. As far as I’m concerned, they are a threat to Asena’s life and I have no problem ending them before any of them can hurt her.

I crouch, aim and take out another. The stench of blood and piss burns my nostrils, but I’m used to it by now. Another wave of men rush the room and I drop them like flies. I’m so busy with them that I’ve lost track of the Druid.

Big mistake. I hear the cock of a gun over the grunts and cries of pain a fraction of a second too late.

“Hark, no!”

* * *


Fear grips my throat until I can’t breathe. White dots blur my vision and it takes every last ounce of courage I have to shove them and my fear aside.

I whip my head around. “You have to do something. I love him, Daddy. Please. Oh my God. What have you done?”

All I see is a disconnected man. Beside him is a smiling Druid. His predatory gaze tracks my every move, his smile unwavering.

I edge out of my seat and rush to Hark. I fall over him, but no matter how hard I shake Hark, he doesn’t move. Those beautiful black eyes are closed, locking me out. This can’t be. Not to our own. Didn’t a Titan always stand up for a Titan? This happened because of me. All because I seduced him. God, what have I done?

“He was one of us. How could you do this? Call an ambulance. Do something. I grab for the nearest thing, a small throw blanket from the nearby couch, and press it to the wound in Hark’s chest. Blood is everywhere.

He’s not breathing. Oh, God. He’s not breathing!

Out of all the chaos my daddy’s stark warning comes back to me and I get his true meaning. Monsters are measured by their deeds. And all men are monsters.

I thought he had said those words to scare off the occasional boyfriend.

It’s only now I realize my daddy was telling me of his own evil deeds.

“You.” With my hands full of my lover’s warm blood, I turn. Shimmers of water blur the room. Rage boils through my veins and finding words to speak the levels of betrayal pumping through every inch of my being is impossible. Eyes heated with vengeance and fear level on the man who raised me to be fearless.

“You,” I seethe, my body shaking with levels of fury I can’t control. “...youare the true monster.”


Asena, four years later

It was the party of the century. Glittering lights, all the booze one could want. No expense was spared. And every tie to the Titan empire didn’t dare refuse their invitation to the Titan princess’ wedding. It was a gathering of the underworld elite. Ten hours of torture punctuated by the exchange of vows. And the fact my father stood behind me the whole time to ensure he got what he wanted was a next-level betrayal.

As he does now from across the room. He shoves a hand into his trouser pockets and watches my every move through the curl of his cigar smoke. I’ve come to loathe the smell as much as the man.

The little girl inside wishes for the daddy I once knew. The one who taught me to fight back, to stand up, and be heard. But he’s long dead. The man in his place is a cold, callous, and calculating bastard.
