Page 66 of Savage Thief

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And somehow, I’ll rid the world of Sean. But I know I can’t have Hark do my dirty work for me and play the hero. It nearly killed him twice. A third time and I know he’ll likely take another hit and this time he won’t be so lucky. Where would that leave me with his new family? In the crapper most definitely. If the Titan family is their enemy now, I can only imagine if Hark got killed because of me. It would only be a matter of time before one of the Savages will want my head on a pike.

No. I do this alone. Fewer people to worry about.

My eyes close as I raise my face and take in the heat of the sun. My skin simmers with the remnants of his heated touch. I need to shake it off and focus. I should have never come here.

Refocus. The sounds of birds pull my eyes open and I take in the building in front of me. It’s practically hidden behind a grove of trees. Behind me is the trail that leads to Doc’s and beyond this building is a mystery. More land. Lots of it. And trees.

Since I have time to kill, I do a little exploring. The right side of the building is a huge domed atrium featuring a wall and ceiling of stained glass. Different motifs fill the glass like the artist couldn’t decide on one of them so they went with all of them. Everything from fantasy scenes and soaring dragons to angels and demons mid-battle. Volcanoes spewing lava into the beautiful ocean and its various corals.

There’s no real plan to the layout, just beautiful flowing art to take in as you sunbathe under the sun.

I push the door open and I find the bathhouse is not as abandoned as it appears. Barely inside the door, I freeze.

White marble meets my bare feet and I sigh with the relief of the coolness against my sore soles. Exactly opposite the atrium is a wide-open space with ferns and various other plants that make it appear as if you walked into the middle of a rainforest, not an indoor pool room. Vines hang in sheets. Butterflies and hummingbirds come and go through open skylights.


In the center there is one long lap pool with padded lounge chairs along the sides. Through an archway toward the back is the sauna, I presume. There’s steam coming out from under several doors, anyway.

Strong arms come around me and I’m secured to a muscled form.

I’m carried through a curtain of vines kicking and growling.

“Put me down, you animal.” I struggle but I’m no match for his size or strength.

Hark chuckles darkly and goosebumps fan over my skin. “I thought you like me best when I’m in beast mode?”

Dragon’s words rumble in my ear. The vibrations of his voice feed through where my back connects with his chest. My first instinct is to fight him. Swing everything I have at the bastard and let him feel all my pent-up frustrations. My anxiety. All my fear and rage. But there’s no stopping him. The dark, forbidden place he’s about to take me holds me captive as much as the man.

Maybe this is what we both need. And only then can we finally breathe.

He tosses me on the lounge face first. The cushions absorb my weight but before I can turn around and drive my fist into Dragon’s arrogant face, hands clench around my hips and I’m flipped.

I gasp with shock. Not from his animalistic ways but from the sudden reality of having my sweatpants stripped from my body in one hard tug.

Hungry eyes rake over my exposed skin and when I try to yank my shirt down to cover my lower half, it’s dragged from my body too.

He takes half as long to rid himself of motorcycle boots, jeans, a T-shirt, and his cut.

My whole world is spinning on its axis as a fully naked Dragon stands just out of reach. His eyes flash a warning daring me to make my next move. Grooved hips, glorious ripped abs, hard pecs…beautifully erect cock. Even the tip of pre-cum wetting the head is enticement enough to make a nun sin. He’s the entire wet dream package.

I try to wiggle away from him, move toward the top of the lounge and make a break for it through the vines. Or that was my plan. In reality, I don’t get more than five inches before his strong hands wrap around my ankles and he drags me right back where I started—hopelessly drowning.

His hand moves to my throat and I stifle a cry when his shaking body falls over me. Between us his heavy cock glides through my juices. Not penetrating me, but so close. So fucking close.

I shudder through a hard breath. Before I can drag more in, his lips capture mine and we war for dominance. It’s not long before he wins our battle and his reward is every last cry of pleasure he pulls from me. Between my thighs, the head of his shaft teases over my clit. Any slight movement has me moaning and nearly begging from the need to finally have him.

And you know what? I’m not left wondering if he kept his cock piercing. I can feel the cool metal stroke over my heated skin. It makes me want to fall to my knees and wrap my tongue around it and tug.

“I can feel your heat. Your pussy wants me buried all the way in her. But you’re not getting me until I get what I want. Who did you give yourself to, Asena? And don’t you dare fucking lie to me.”

There’s a tightness in my chest and my heart nearly doubles in size it’s beating so fast. His name is on the tip of my tongue for more than one reason.

His eyes are wild and the fingers collaring my neck are tightening. I’ve never seen him this far gone. Should I fear him? Any sane person would. But this untamed side of him draws the dormant woman inside me to the surface and she needs her monster.

I take his loose hair in my hands and wrap the length around my palm as he’s done to mine in the past and I lean into his grip until the pressure is just right.

Between my thighs, I can feel my juices slipping out to wet my folds and thighs.
