Page 30 of Definitely Not Him

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Morning Consequences


Seattle, Washington

Several orgasms later

When I woke up in the morning, William’s arms were wrapped around my waist, his lips pressed against my neck.

Every muscle in my body was deliciously sore, and I didn’t have to glance at my chest to know that he’d left a territorial trail of bite marks.

I’ve never had sex like that in my life…

William suddenly stirred, softly groaning against my hair.

I felt his cock hardening behind me, and as much as I wanted to kiss his lips and demand a second round—well, seventh—I held back.

Besides, he was only in town for a few more hours and nothing more, and I didn’t want to get attached. There was nothing significant growing from this, and anytime I attempted to turn a sexy moment with a guy into “something more,” my heart was the only one left in tatters.

I needed to be firm—mean, if I had to be—to avoid making the same mistake.

“It’s time for you to go.” I pulled away from his hold, moving off the bed. “There’s a bagel stand on the corner that makes excellent coffee. It’ll wake you up within seconds.”

He sat up, running a hand through his hair. “Are you suggesting I grab us some before we have a second round?”

“No, I…” I blushed as rays of sunlight hit his abs, and I struggled to stand up straight. “I’m saying that we’ve had our fun, and it’s over now. I don’t know you anymore.”

“Hmmm.” He stared at me as if I was speaking another language. “I think you should reconsider. It’s not like you’re standing up or walking straight, anyway; you clearly could use more since you probably can’t leave.”

I noticed his cock was now rock hard and ready for me again, but I held firm. “I’m fine, really…”

“Was last night not good for you?” He smiled.

“It was okay.” I shrugged, throwing the dagger. “Honestly, I’ve had way better.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. You probably rank in my bottom five.”

“I see.” His smile faded, and he clenched his jaw. Then he leaned forward and grabbed his pants from the floor.

“Well, since we’re being honest, you were right about your flat last night.” He pulled a shirt over his head. “It’s a fucking pigsty, which is an incredible feat, since it’s the size of a cracker box.”

My jaw dropped. WHAT?!

“I would suggest that you look into hiring a cleaning service, but they’ll probably tell you to burn it to the ground to save their time.”

“I thought you said you weren’t paying attention to my furniture?”

“How could I?” He hissed. “Every piece of it is buried under papers and clothes.”

“Okay, arse.” I narrowed my eyes. “You can stop talking and walk out the door.”

“I’m looking for my blazer.” He stood up. “Which mountain of junk should I look under to find it?”

I walked to the couch he’d bent me over and picked it up.

“Here.” I threw it at him. “By the way, I hope your car got stolen last night.”
