Page 31 of First Comes Blood

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I search Ginevra’s beautiful face for any of the resentment I feel, but she seems only happy as she gazes at her ring. “Who chose your husband? Your father?”

She shakes her head. “Dad passed away three years ago. Salvatore’s in charge now, and he chose Antonio for me. He and Salvatore have been business associates for many years. He’s in Italy right now, but I’m excited for him to return so I can get to know him better.”

This must be the sort of woman Salvatore and the others anticipated when they came to my birthday party. Someone who’s been raised with the expectation that none of her choices will be her own, and that marriage is a transaction, not for love.

“I thought you said Salvatore wouldn’t dare tell you to do anything?”

“He wouldn’t. He pointed out all the reasons why Antonio would be an excellent husband for me, and I agreed.”

That sounds like telling her what to do. All the same, I can’t help but like Ginevra. Her eyes sparkle with intelligence and she’s confident as well as warm. She seems genuinely interested in getting to know me, but I have to presume that every word I say to her will get back to her brother.

Maybe that could work in my favor?

“You seem like a kind person,” I say slowly. “I wish you every happiness with Antonio, but this isn’t the life that I want and Salvatore isn’t the husband I’d choose.”

Ginevra adjusts the diamond ring on her finger, her face serene. “A year is a long time. Salvatore seems cold sometimes, but he’s just protecting himself. He’s suffered heartbreak in the past.”

“Salvatore’s been in love?” I blurt out. Nothing about that man says hearts and flowers to me. More like blood and daggers.

For the first time, sadness flickers over her face. “Not that sort of love. We had a sister between us in age. Ophelia. She was murdered eight years ago. You can’t imagine the pain it caused him, knowing that he wasn’t able to protect her.”

A sister. My grief is a knife in my heart and I pity anyone who’s ever felt like this, even Salvatore.

Ginevra gets to her feet and touches the white orchid bloom, which is as luminous as the moon and twice as beautiful. “You’ll never forget your mother, but the pain will get easier, I promise. I’ll see you soon, I hope.”



“She doesn’t like you one little bit. What on earth did you do to her, Salvatore?”

Ginevra cuts a piece of strawberry tart with her pastry fork, puts it into her mouth and closes her eyes in bliss. My sister always did love cake.

“To Chiara? I didn’t do anything.” I take a swallow of black coffee and gaze around at the other customers outside the French patisserie. It’s been a week since I sent my sister around to see my promised bride, and I’ve only just found the time to catch up with her about it. “She doesn’t need to like me. She just needs to marry me.”

“That’s going to be difficult. She doesn’t trust you, either.”

There’s no difficulty. In fact, it’s very simple. Chiara will do as she’s told or end up like her mother.

Ginevra licks her fork and smiles. “You chose such a wonderful man for me. I want my brother to fall in love, too, and for love, there needs to be trust. Why don’t you try getting closer to her?”

“Should I play footsies under the table like you and Antonio?” I drawl. My sister and her fiancé had instant chemistry, which was easy because she’s beautiful and he’s rich. Antonio is a shrewd and ruthless businessman who understands that his life would be forfeit if he hurt my sister. I’m pleased to hear he’s fooled her into thinking he’s in love with her. Or maybe he is in love. Who fucking knows.

More importantly, who cares. The essential thing is Ginevra has someone strong to protect her if something happens to me.

Ginevra has another mouthful of tart and chews it thoughtfully. “I’m pleased you’re getting married, but why Chiara Romano?”

Chiara Romano. Her face flits across my mind and I recall those big, blue eyes that held mine as she talked back to me at the school gate. How they grew dark and lust-filled as I kissed her. Her curvy body in her school uniform, and then again in that clingy summer dress.

I feel a smile tug the corner of my mouth. “She’s cute.”

Ginevra’s eyebrows shoot up. “I’ve never heard you say that about any woman before. Is my big brother in love?”

I clear my throat impatiently. Why the fuck did I say she was cute? Ginevra reads something into every little thing I say. “If you think I’m in love with some schoolgirl, you’re mistaken. Her father is useful to me.”

But my eyes narrow as I remember Chiara saying she was dumped over dinner. She better have been telling the truth, that it was a girl who had dumped their friendship. No one is going to touch what’s mine.

“How are the wedding plans?” I ask.
