Page 40 of First Comes Blood

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I step a little closer until I’m pressed tight against his chest, and my heart starts to pound. I’m just acting, trying to convince him to do what I desperately need him to do, but the line between pretense and reality is razor thin.

“But thewayI’ll be yours, doesn’t that matter to you? Wouldn’t you rather have me willingly when the time comes? Wouldn’t you rather I—”

Wanted you.


“Wouldn’t you rather I was grateful to you?”

I’m promising him more than my virginity if he kills my father. I’ll make it good for him. I’ll make him believe I’m enthusiastic about letting him take me to bed. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Salvatore is one of the most handsome men I’ve ever met. Even now, standing in his arms with murder on my mind, my heart is pounding against his chest.

Salvatore laughs softly. “Baby, you think you won’t want me on our wedding night? You think you’ll have to fake anything?” He ducks his head and puts his lips against my ear. “I could make you come right here with a few words and one finger, and there’s nothing you could do stop me. Pin you with one arm against my body and drive my hand down into your panties. Rub your clit fast while I whisper what a horny girl you are for your husband-to-be.”

Heat ripples up my body and my eyes nearly flutter closed. I’ve never not reacted to Salvatore when he’s touched me. Just his lips against my ear are enough to make my knees weak.

“Please,” I whisper, and then realize it sounds like I’m begging him to do just that. “Please do this one thing for me. I’ll never ask you for anything again.”

He’s killed people before, I’m sure. What’s one more?

A sepulchral voice speaks from the shadows. “My own daughter.”

I turn and see Dad walking slowly down the hall toward us. My arms drop from Salvatore’s neck as pure hatred fills my heart.

“My own daughter would betray me like this. There’s a special place in hell for children who try to destroy their parents.”

“What about husbands who kill their wives?” I seethe.

Dad gives a humorless laugh. “I doubt it. Wife-killing is so common it’s barely even a crime anymore. I’m sure you’ll find out the same thing in time if you don’t learn your place.”

Dead in the pool like Mom.

Dad glances at Salvatore and back at me. “You little slut, trying to use your body to bargain for vengeance.”

My chest feels so tight it’s hard to breathe. Dad heard everything Salvatore and I were saying to each other. I want to crumple up and die. “If I had a gun or knew how to do it, I’d—”

Salvatore grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my face until its upturned toward his. “Don’t.”

His eyes are boring into mine, but he doesn’t look angry. He looks alarmed.

I grab his wrist and claw him with my nails, yelling at him to let me go. I wrest my hair from his grip.

“My mother!” I scream at Dad, chest heaving. “You killed my mother. You should be rotting in jail for what you’ve done.”

I’ve lost all self-control. The world has turned red and I want nothing more than to watch Dad bleed. To make him die, or at the very least make him hurt as much as I’m hurting.

I hurl myself at Dad, screaming, and he lifts his hand and strikes me across the face. I go flying off to one side, my vision black and my eyes stinging. I find myself on my knees, my palms pressed against the tiles.

“Get out of here, Salvatore. I need to discipline my daughter.”

“No.” Salvatore steps in front of Dad, and for a moment I think it’s to protect me. “She’s going to be my wife.I’lldiscipline her.”

Salvatore grasps my upper arm and yanks me to my feet. He marches me over to the living room and slams the door behind us.

“Get your hands off me,” I pant, struggling in his grip. He grasps my other arm and shoves me against the wall, and pushes his furious face into mine.

“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” he seethes.

“Let mego.”
