Page 5 of First Comes Blood

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I glance at the others, and realize they’re wondering the same thing. How much fun will Miss Romano be on her wedding night? We like a girl who will fight back.

Mayor Romano glowers at his daughter. “Yes, Chiara. Did I not just spell it out for you? One of these men will be your husband. After tonight, you can consider yourself promised. When you marry in a year and a week, you’ll leave this house and start a new life with your husband.”

I gaze at my future bride over my wine glass, expecting the flood of tears to begin. I can’t have a woman who’s going to fall apart when she gets a fright. Cassius and Lorenzo enjoy a woman’s tears, but if my wife cries, I’ll have to beat it out of her.

Chiara’s eyes are dry. “But why? This is like something out of the dark ages.”

I put my wine glass down and lean forward. “It was kind of your parents to spare you from the truth for so long. Kind, but misguided. You were never going to have a choice, Chiara. People like us don’t marry for love. We marry for power.”

She turns her baby blue eyes on me, and her expression flickers with fear. Chiara Romano needs a better poker face. But that’s all right. I’ll teach her.

“People like us? But my family isn’t like yours. We’re not criminals.”

On my left, Vinicius pretends to wince at her choice of words. “Please. We prefer the termentrepreneur.”

“Speak for yourself,” Cassius raps out. “I’m a businessman. These are my associates. I don’t like your attitude, young lady.”

Chiara breathes in sharply, as if Cassius’ words have hit her like a whip. If she’s already afraid, she won’t like what he’ll do to her as her husband.

Mayor Romano seems to feel like he’s losing control of the conversation and raises his voice. “Where do you think the money comes from to put this roof over your head? Pay for that expensive school of yours? All your pretty clothes?”

“Your job as mayor.”

Vinicius laughs. Cassius shakes his head with his brow furrowed. Lorenzo stares at Chiara with cold, hooded eyes. Opposite her husband, Mrs. Romano seems to have fled into the far reaches of her mind. I wonder if Chiara is like that. Weak and fragile.

We’ll know by midnight. Each of us has a little present prepared for Miss Romano. If she breaks, then we walk away. Our world isn’t for the weak.

“No, sweetheart.” Mayor Romano’s voice drips with condescension. “It’s from the deals I make. The deals that keep this city thriving—with the help of these men, of course.”

Lorenzo turns to gaze at the mayor and starts flipping his knife again. No one likes to be talked about like they’re an afterthought, especially not us.

“You’re going to be an important part of a deal with one of these men.”

Vinicius touches the tip of his tongue to one of his pointed canines. “Just one of us? Can’t we all have her?”

Cassius’ eyes flare with interest. Lorenzo draws his thumbnail over his lower lip and gazes at Chiara like he’s imagining something dark and dirty.

My smile widens. “Yes. Why don’t we share her?”

Chiara’s eyes couldn’t hold any more confusion. Poor little lamb. I don’t think she’s ever been kissed before tonight, let alone imagined what four men at once could do with her. Only one of us can marry her, but we’ll all share her, and show her what our world is really about.

The four of us. Brothers, in every way but blood.

The Mayor’s lip curls. “I only have one daughter. I can only have one son-in-law.”

I swirl my wine lazily in my glass and address my future wife. “One thing you should know. You won’t ever come between the four of us. Nothing can alter our bond.”

The tiniest of smirks flits across Romano’s face and is gone. The mayor thinks he can use his daughter to drive a wedge between us. United, the four of us are stronger than he is. Divided, he can play us off against each other.

Chiara noticed her father’s smirk. She regards me, and then all four of us, her gaze finally coming to rest on Lorenzo.

Her expression asks,Your bond? Even with him?

“Yes. Even this crazy asshole,” Cassius growls, jerking his head at the blond man next to him.

Mrs. Romano sits up and clears her throat. “That’s all very interesting, gentlemen. But I think you’re forgetting one thing. This is Chiara’s choice.”

The mayor opens his mouth to contradict her, but I’m tired of hearing his voice. I want to speak to my bride. “All right, then. Who among us would you choose, Chiara? Which of us is your future husband?”
