Page 73 of First Comes Blood

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There’s a sound from the doorway. Cassius has opened the door and is standing there, stark naked. His curls are rumpled like he was asleep and we’ve woken him up.

Vinicius bares his teeth in annoyance. “What do you want?”

“Get your cock out of her.”

Vinicius smirks, not moving. “It’s just the tip. It doesn’t count.”

My face burns at the sight of Cassius’ thunderous expression. I’m practically having sex with Vinicius and Cassius has walked in. This isn’t normal. These guys are so not normal.

Also, if Lorenzo is right and Vinicius and Cassius only want me here so they can have sex with me, why isn’t Cassius letting him?

I’m so confused. I’m excruciatingly embarrassed as well, and I try to wriggle out from beneath Vinicius but succeed in only working him deeper. The burn in my pussy becomes an ache.

Cassius lifts a finger and points at him. “If you break her, Scava and I will kick your fucking teeth in.”

“I’m not going to. We’re just playing. Aren’t we, kitten?” Vinicius still doesn’t pull out. He seems like he’s enjoying winding Cassius up. “Why don’t you come join us? I bet ourbambinais great at giving head.”

Cassius’ expression is stony, but as I watch, his cock is thickening. It’s getting bigger, and bigger. My eyes widen. I thought Vinicius was big enough, but Cassius is abeast.

“Kitten, could you stop staring at another man’s cock when mine is just about inside you?”

“Vinicius,” Cassius growls in warning, taking a step toward us.

“You should feel her. She’s so tight, Cassius. Just an inch more.”

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

“Or what?”

“We agreed.”

This is news to me. “What did you all agree?”

The two men glare at each other for several more seconds and then Vinicius pulls out and sits up. “Fine. No harm done.”

I grab my underwear and pull it back on. So much for just having a cuddle. I should have guessed it wouldn’t have beenjustanything with Vinicius.

Cassius steps forward and scoops me into his arms, saying, “You can stay in my room tonight. I don’t trust him not to try this again the second I fall asleep.”

“And we’re supposed to trust you?” Vinicius calls after us as Cassius carries me to his room.

“Of course. Good night.”

Trust Cassius not to have sex with me, he means? What the hell is going on?

I open my mouth to ask Cassius why I’m here if it’s not for sex, but as he puts me down on the mattress his expression is thunderous. Also, his semi-hard dick is right there. There have been two dicks right in my face in the last minute. This is two hundred percent more dick than I’m used to. Suddenly, I’m tongue tied again as Cassius tucks me beneath the bedclothes, gets in the other side and lays down with his back to me.

The silence is deafening.



“Go to sleep.”

“What agreement do you all have?”

He’s silent for a long time. “Let’s not discuss this right now.”
