Page 93 of First Comes Blood

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“I want to talk about my father.”

Lorenzo pulls his knife out. “Say no more. He’s dead.”

“Stop it. No.” I take a deep breath. “Iwant to kill him.”

I think I do, anyway. Look at what it’s done to these four men to have their sisters’ deaths go unavenged. I lie awake at night burning with anger that she died because of a selfish and cruel man. Mom deserves justice and I’m the only one who can get it for her. Even pretend-Nicole doesn’t argue back when I point out that a man as powerful as my father is untouchable by the law.

Their expressions are stunned. Then a smile slides over Lorenzo’s lips as he puts his knife away. Vinicius’ brows rise, and then he nods slowly, like he’s impressed.

Cassius is the only one who’s frowning. “No. It’s too dangerous, and you don’t know how.”

“Would you let someone else avenge your sister?” I ask him.

Cassius puts his coffee down. “Think of what you’re saying. Imagine you’re going to shoot him. You need to get close to your father, look him in the eyes and then pull the trigger.”

I hear the gunshot in my head. I see the expression of shock on my father’s face as he collapses to his knees. It’s just one moment, and then it will be over. “I can do it.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Cassius, I like it when you baby me and call mebambina, but not about things that are important. This matters to me, and I’ll never forgive you if you stand in my way.”

“She has this chance. We probably never will.” Lorenzo’s eyes are wild with bitterness and hatred. He notices me staring at him. “What?”

“I’m just surprised you’re on my side.”

“Vengeance. It’s the one thing we have in common, princess. You want to kill the bastard? I’ll hold him down for you.”

“Thank you. But I want to do this myself.”

Vinicius folds his arms and regards me seriously. “Have you really thought this through? Killing someone changes you forever.”

Lorenzo makes a dismissive gesture. “I fucked her with a gun to her head and she came on my dick. She’s not so innocent anymore.”

“She is innocent, but she won’t be after we put a gun in her hand!” Cassius shouts.

“Ever held a gun?” Vinicius asks.

I shake my head.

“Then first things first. I’ll teach you to shoot.” He glances at Lorenzo. “Can I use the compound?”

Lorenzo gets to his feet. “Be my guest, but I want to watch. Are you coming?” he asks, turning to Cassius, who’s glowering from one of us to the next. “Stop babying her. If our girl wants to indulge in a little murder, who are we to stand in her way?”

In the end, all four of us go. I ride with Cassius, sensing that there’s more he wants to say and that it will be easier for him to get it off his chest if we’re alone.

We get onto the freeway and his hands tighten on the steering wheel. “I don’t like this.”

“I know. But it’s all I can think about. I’ll go crazy if I don’t do something to avenge Mom.”

“You’re innocent, and it’s our job to keep you that way. You begged for my help, remember?”

“I begged Salvatore to kill Dad. I tried to use that Geak to take my virginity. I wanted Lorenzo to help me escape. Every time I’ve asked someone else for help it’s blown up in my face. This is something I’m going to do myself. Besides, who said it was your job to keep me innocent?”

“I said so,” he growls.

“You guys are a bunch of criminals and I’m the daughter of a corrupt, murderous mayor. That’s not a recipe for a virtuous future together.”

He glances at me. “You’re thinking about our offer to stay with us?”
