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Vinicius groans in relief and pulls her into his arms.

“Who was it?” I ask. “Did you see his face?”

She nods. “It was Dad.”

I clench the blanket in my fist. The mayor. The fuckingmayorwas here. That piece of shit came down here to terrorize his pregnant daughter.

Vinicius disappears for a moment, then comes back with a can of lemonade from the vending machine. “For the shock.”

“Good idea.” I pull the tab and hand it to her. “Here, just a sip.”

As she drinks, I push her hair back from her face and then rest my hands on her shoulders. Reassuring myself that she’s fine. That the baby’s fine.

I exchange glances with Vinicius. He looked as horrified as I feel. That was too fucking close. “I can’t believe we let her out of our sight. What were we thinking?”

I picture shoving Sienna toward the stairs at Strife before heading back onto the street, assuming she would be fine. Believing, when I had no good fucking reason to believe, that she would be okay because she was only meters away from me. Distance doesn’t matter. The only way to know someone’s safe is to keep your own fucking eyeballs on them at all times, or better yet, under lock and key.

All around me is this asshole obstetrician’s expensive equipment. All the tools of his trade that make him seem safe to the women who come to him at their most vulnerable.

He did this. He let that fucking monster in here with Chiara.

“Where’s that doctor?” I growl, stalking out of the room.

I find him hiding in one of the empty exam rooms. I grab him by the collar of his white jacket and march him back to Chiara and Vinicius. On my way, I pass Cassius and Salvatore returning from hunting for the mayor.

“It was Romano. Did you see him?”

Salvatore shakes his head. “We didn’t find anyone. What are you going to do with him?”

My jaw is too tight for me to reply. I haven’t decided yet, but it’s going to fucking hurt.

I shove the shaking obstetrician back into the exam room. Cassius and Salvatore follow me in and close the door behind them.

“You stay there, princess,” I tell Chiara, and pull the curtain around the bed so that she can’t see what I’m about to do.

When I turn around, the doctor has his hands up and he’s backing away, half begging, half fending me off. “Please don’t kill me. The mayor said he just wanted to talk to his daughter. I had no choice, he’s the mayor. What about my business?”

“No choice? No fuckingchoice? There’s always a choice, and you made the wrong one.” I grab the obstetrician’s right hand and yank it down on a counter, the world turning red.

“Wait, not my—”

I take hold of the ultrasound monitor and slam it onto his hand, over and over again. He breaks off and screams in pain. I keep slamming, listening to the crunch of bones and the smashing of glass.

I let him go and he crumples to the ground, gripping his wrist with his left hand, staring in horror at the mangled mess.

“Be grateful you’re not dead,” I seethe. “Lock your doors and don’t walk alone at night. I might return and finish the job.”

I pull back the curtain and check on Chiara. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed wearing her jeans, and her complexion is better, as if hearing me beating on the asshole who put her in danger has put some color back in her cheeks.

That’s my girl.

I hold out my hand to her. “Come on, princess. Let’s get out of here.”

Chiara puts her hand in mine and glances at the blood spattered across my T-shirt. “I’m going to need another obstetrician.”

I give the man a kick as we pass by and he yelps and scurries away from me. “All of his patients are going to need another obstetrician for a while.”

Back at the compound, Salvatore paces up and down the living room floor. “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have booked Ginevra’s obstetrician. The mayor must have realized you’d be pregnant soon and found out that the Fiores use that doctor.”
