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He’s gone Ophelia, and he’ll never hurt anyone else ever again.

I close my eyes as bittersweet relief washes over me. I’ve carried my sister’s ghost with me since the day I discovered she was dead. She’s always been with me. My love for her. My grief. My rage. All the pain ebbs out of me until there’s just her left. Just Ophelia, whole and unharmed.

And she’s smiling at me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Lorenzo has left a message for me in the group chat.Where are you Salvatore?

At the Maxim, I type.

His reply comes through a moment later.Wait there.

He doesn’t need to tell me that. I’m not going anywhere. I sit and watch the lights and listen to the water. I think I could sit here forever.

Sometime later, a car door slams and a female voice I know and love calls my name. Chiara rushes into my arms, a warm, soft bundle with a protruding belly. I hold her tight as she exclaims at the blood all over me.

Lorenzo glares at me over her shoulder. “You fucking idiot, sitting around here covered in bloodstains.”

I give him a lazy grin, and a moment later, he smiles, too. His voice is rough with smoke and emotion as he says, “Good job, Salvatore.”

Cassius is covered in soot but his dark eyes are glittering. “You did us all proud.”

Vinicius seems dazed but happy as he embraces me. “Single fucking handed.”

“The firefighters managed to put the fire out and most of the house is still standing,” Chiara tells me. “I hope they swarm that place and Mr. De Luca’s home. If he’s a serial killer, there must be evidence inside.”

“I hope so, too, baby.” Either way, he’s dead and we know who murdered our sisters, and that’s the most important thing.

Chiara looks around at the fountain. “This is where you used to bring Ophelia,” she whispers. “How are you feeling?”

I kiss her smoky forehead, still smiling. “Everything I ever wanted is right here. I’m so fucking happy, baby. Now, come on. Let’s all go home.”

* * *

Three days later,we’re all sitting in my house watching the news together. De Luca’s picture is in one corner of the screen with the caption,Dead man suspected to be the Black Orchid Murderer.

The news anchors are reporting on forensic evidence found in De Luca’s lake house that links him to our sisters’ unsolved murders. They then cut to the mayor who’s giving a faux-bewildered interview outside city hall.

“He was one of my acquaintances. I had no idea he could be capable of something like this. My heart goes out to his wife and daughter in this terrible time. I hope that the victims’ families will find consolation from the reopening of this investigation. The people of Coldlake deserve answers.”

Lorenzo swears loudly. “You fucking snake.”

“I guess Dad asked the chief of police to give all the evidence back to the detectives,” Chiara says, her expression bitter.

The news anchor goes on to say that De Luca is also suspected of being involved in other unsolved murders across several more states.

Chiara’s expression softens. “That’s some good news. I hope Kira Campbell’s family and all the other families will get some closure now.”

I put my arm around her shoulders and kiss her forehead. “I hope so too, baby.”

So far, no police have come knocking on my door asking my whereabouts at the time De Luca was murdered. Mrs. De Luca and Nicole told the police they were out shopping when Mr. De Luca was killed and they don’t know a thing. They’re doing remarkably well considering they just found out they’ve been living with a sadistic killer. Chiara’s told me that their home has never been a happy one. He never mistreated them but he was cold and evasive over the years. Now they know why.

Lorenzo is watching the mayor with glittering eyes. “Now that we know who killed our sisters, there’s no reason this son of a bitch should go on breathing.”

Vinicius sits forward, his elbows on his knees as he gazes at Chiara. “How very true. What do you think, Chiara?”

She’s still gazing at the screen. “I thought maybe Dad might get pulled into this investigation, but it looks like he’s covered his tracks.”

Cassius cracks his knuckles. “How about we take care of this ourselves? A little more vengeance after all we’ve been through could really take the edge off.”
