Page 108 of In League with Ivy

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I stopped imagining Ivy naked and gyrating over my dick and returned to the land of the living.

“It’s all there.” Jack handed Mitch a folder. “If you’ve got time now, I can go over the figures.”

Meanwhile, Ivy’s eyes darted from me to her mother.

After Mitch and Jack left the shop for the back room, I lowered my voice, addressing both Summer and Ivy. “I know it’s none of my business, but is Mitch going ahead with Jack’s scheme?”

“You’re right—it’s none of your business,” Ivy retorted with enough feistiness to add a spark between us. The red in her cheeks deepened, and my dick grew harder.

“It’s just that… he’s got a reputation for taking money and not delivering.” I sounded more like a mouse than a man on a mission to save the day.

“You’re just being vindictive,” Ivy shot back.

“I better leave you to it,” Summer said, turning away.

“No, wait,” I said to Summer.

My emotions tumbled about like a spinner on high speed.

The woman I loved was sleeping with my enemy.

I regarded Summer. “Have you got a moment?”

She looked at her daughter. “Can you tell Mitch I just popped out for a moment?”

“Don’t listen to him,” Ivy spat. “He’s not to be trusted.”

I blew her a kiss just to stir the pot, which boiled over and threatened to ruin everything.

When we were on the street, Summer asked, “So, what’s on your mind?”

I had to dodge a stream of power walking suits and almost collided with a woman carrying a tray of take-out coffee, so I signaled for Summer to step into a nearby alleyway.

“Is Ivy really with Jack?” I had to ask.

She smiled sympathetically, which made me feel like a pathetic loser for even asking. “I don’t think she’s really that interested. But you broke her heart.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry. But it wasn’t meant to be like that. I actually love your daughter.”

“She’s smitten with you too.” She smiled sweetly. “Come to the cruise and find a way to show her your heart. Convince her. Ivy can be a bit stubborn.”

“I’ve noticed.” I puffed. Still, it was nice hearing that Ivy was smitten.

Switching subjects, I said, “Hey, Jack’s got this project in Miami, a condo development named Sky High.”

Summer nodded slowly. “That sounds familiar from the little Mitch has said. What’s the problem?”

“Story has it that he’s taking investors’ money to pay investors he owes for other projects. In other words, it’s a Ponzi scheme.”

Her brows rose sharply. “Oh my.”

“Maybe have a word with Mitch. I’d hate to see him lose money on a dud deal.”

“How do you know?”

“A colleague knows people who’ve lost everything. He’s set up a new project, which I imagine is the one he’s discussing with Mitch, but I’ve heard that money’s being funneled back to investors who have his head on a block.”

Summer frowned. “He’s being threatened?”

I nodded.

“Oh my God. Mitch was going to invest a big chunk of money. Leave it with me. Thanks.”

I kissed her on the cheek and walked away with the scent of sandalwood and a sinking feeling, wondering how to convince Ivy I was no longer the devil.

Was I ever the devil? A little partying. Okay, a lot of partying. But I never lied about Tinder.

I would have needed my head examined to be dating other women. No woman compared to Ivy. She was the fuck of the century. But over and above that, I just liked hanging out with her. She made me laugh. We always laughed. Even at things that weren’t that funny. Now that kind of chemistry was almost as rare as an asteroid colliding with Earth.

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