Page 122 of In League with Ivy

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Liam’s brows raised. “Seriously? You don’t want to marry him? Like ever?”

I shrugged. “I want to make something of myself first. I don’t want to be that looked-after wife and baby-making machine.”

Just hearing myself admitting that fueled more inner frustration, because in many ways, the thought of settling down and having a couple of babies warmed my heart. And with Chase contacting me a few times a day, even with us catching up every night, I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Try not to overthink it, Ives,” Sara said.

Liam nodded. “Look at us—we’re both happily married and still getting around doing our own thing. That’s what it’s about. Continuing to pursue one’s passion in life, be it art, clothes, or whatever, with your soul mate close by your side.”

“I suppose,” I said absently.

“What about your blog?” Liam asked.

“Mm… and be one of a million?” I sighed.

“Your ‘fashion and social mores of a modern girl’ blog at college was a must-read. You’ve always been a great social observer,” Sara argued.

“It all comes down to discipline, I guess. Most days, I just stare at a blank page. But hey, thanks for cheering me on.” I rubbed my hands together. “Let’s do some shots and go and dance our butts off.”

We clinked shot glasses and cheered.

I decided to embrace that live-for-the-moment motto that had served me well enough so far, and just roll with it.

Chase’s singing donkey text neighing “he can’t live without me” helped.

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