Page 14 of In League with Ivy

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He stared deeply into my eyes. “I must say, your photo doesn’t do you justice.”

And your photo did you more than justice.

My stomach knotted. I hated how Eric kept looking at me like I was some sort of easy lay. If it weren’t for Chase, I would have arranged that rescue call by now.

“Um… can you excuse me?” I asked. “Back in a minute.”

As I made my way to the powder room, Chase tilted his head at me with a question on his handsome face.

He followed me, and my heart leapt from my chest. That guy really had me on a hook.

Chase reeled me in, and I somehow came face-to-face with him in a dark corner away from everyone. He zeroed in close enough for me to get a whiff of his spicy cologne, which my body loved being smothered in.

“Why haven’t you been returning my calls?” he asked.

I shrugged.

Play it cool. Make him work.

“I’ve been busy, I guess.”

His perfect eyebrows twitched. “Did my suggesting we go away for a weekend spook you? It’s not something I would normally do.”

A half smile tugged at the side of his mouth, and I wanted to slap him then have him rip my clothes off and ravage me.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed that deliciously salacious image to fade before saying, “Oh, how big of you.”

He frowned. I could see him working, which I liked. If only his scent didn’t trigger so many hot sensations.

“Ivy, what’s gotten into you? And why are you with him? He’s old enough to be your father.”

“He didn’t look like that when I accepted his invite.”

He ran his tongue over those X-rated lips that had tasted every square inch of my body.

“You’re on Tinder?” he asked, clearly horrified.

“Why not? Aren’t we friends with benefits? And if you can be on Tinder, so can I.” I turned my back to him and slid away to the powder room.

When a bang came at the door, I opened it, and expecting Chase, I wore a smirk. Instead, seeing Eric’s slightly sweaty head before me, I flinched.

“I saw you with that guy. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s all good. Just give me a minute.” I shut the door on his face.

He was already stalking me. This date had to end. Now.

I texted Liam. “Help. I need rescuing. He’s awful.”

After I washed my hands and fluffed my hair, I walked out.

Chase came to me with open hands. “Hey, I’m not on Tinder. Is that what you think?”

I looked over his shoulder at my date and realized I needed to take that call so that I could bail out gracefully. After all, I didn’t want to appear super rude, just because the guy didn’t look like his photo.

“That’s crap, and you know it,” I said, walking off with my back nice and straight.

Chase followed me. “Can we at least talk about this?”

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