Page 101 of Devoured By Peace

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Ethan stepped into my office with a bottle of vodka, for what was to be a celebration drink. We’d just signed up a popular new artist, and with the last show being a sell-out and quality artists lining up to be part of our scene, the Artefactory was making a nice profit.

Buyers seeking original art had arrived in droves. We’d filled a gap that Florian had left. I’d earned it, after the deception he’d pulled. On the flip side, he’d at least procured the space, which made me wonder if Florian had been handing over the reins to the lucrative art scene as a gesture of atonement.

Ethan handed me a shot, and I tossed it back, grimacing as it burned all the way down.

So much had happened in the past fortnight, and Ethan had been there for me.

From the airport, Lachlan came straight to Harriet’s, where I’d dropped in to finish packing.

I was exercising, which was something I’d only taken up since Harriet brought home an exercise bike.

Sweat poured from my armpits when I answered the door to Lachlan, who was looking worse for wear. His blue eyes seemed so bright against his dark rings. I sensed something major had happened, but his need to crush me with affection swept me off to our romantic bubble.

He ran his tongue around his full lips and ate at mine as though we’d only just met or we’d been apart for ages. Then he ripped off my panties and ravaged me within an inch of insanity before fucking me so savagely that I came all over the sofa.

We had something to eat and tried to watch a movie, but he couldn’t take his hands off me.

Lachlan made slow, passionate love to me that made my eyes water. By morning, I was so raw that I ached in the most delicious way.

A call came for Lachlan as we were sipping coffee on the balcony, catching the morning sun.

When he ended the call, he turned to face me. His penetrating stare wore that same dark edginess as when he’d been arrested.

“I love you, Miranda. And if I had it my way, I’d ask you to marry me now.” Puffing out a deep breath, he ran his fingers through his hair. “I want you to have my children.”

My heart clung to his words about love and family. But then “If I had my way” sank in.

“What’s happened, Lachlan?”

He fidgeted, looking down at his hands. “I’m married.”

I was lucky the sofa was close, because without it, I would have crashed to the floor.

My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

He explained everything. He’d had to marry Britney in Geneva so that he could arrive home a free man.

“It’s a fucked-up situation. I won’t touch her. I won’t go near her,” he said savagely.

“Why didn’t you tell me last night?”

“Because one look at you, and my body went into overdrive. You do things to me, Miranda. I can’t get enough of you. And I love being around you. I’m proud of who you are. You’re gracious, smart, and steady. Apart from my mother, I’ve been surrounded by selfish people all my life. Brent was like that. My father…” He raked a hand through his hair almost violently. “He’s thrown me into this shit show.”

The hatred in his voice sent a shiver through me.

“Why did Britney have that much power over him?”

My stomach twisted into a knot as he described how Britney had threatened to report his dad for statutory rape.

“She’s paying Tamara as we speak. I’m free.” He chuckled sardonically. “Not free to be with the only woman I’ve ever loved, though.”

His big hand took mine. I wanted to remove it, but I couldn’t. Our eyes locked. Mine filled with tears, making his handsome face blur.

“I’m going to divorce her as soon as I can. The trouble is she now owns half of the house too.” He knitted his fingers with mine.

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