Page 14 of Devoured By Peace

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When the class ended, I said, “That was pretty intense with your mother earlier.”

“Yeah. You’re not kidding. I had little choice but to bring him. When I returned from the hospital, Sherry, his full-time nanny, was unwell.” He rubbed his shadowed jaw. “What a day.”

Manuel ran over and wrapped his little arms around Lachlan’s leg. I sensed the boy was lonely for a father, and Lachlan turned to me with a sad smile.

Although I loved his perfect body and aquamarine eyes, not to mention all the sheet-gripping pleasure, moments like that when Lachlan demonstrated heart-melting kindness were what affected me deeply.

Ava ran over and hugged me.

“That was fantastic, darling,” I said.

Lachlan smiled brightly at her. “Hello, angel.”

Belen joined us, while the children, who seemed to relate well, ran onto the dancefloor and practiced steps.

“I want that boy in this class,” she said.

Lachlan shrugged. “It’s not my decision, Mom. He’s Tamara’s son.”

“He’s not your father’s,” she said.

“He’d agree with you there,” Lachlan replied dryly. “He doesn’t even acknowledge him.”

“He was always a cruel man. But I believe he’s not the father. Manuel is the spitting image of your brother.”

Lachlan’s brow furrowed. “Look, I have to go. I’ve had a hell of a day. I came here to meet my girl.” He put his arm around me.

“This is Miranda, by the way. My girlfriend.”

“We’ve met. She brings her lovely niece here.” Lachlan’s mom leaned in and kissed me on both cheeks. “It’s nice to meet you officially.” She smiled. “Ava is a very talented dancer. I hope she continues.”

“Oh, she will. She practices all the time,” I responded.

“Good. The sign of a dancer,” Belen said.

Manuel ran up to join us. “And you, cheeky boy, are going to dance too. Would you like that?” she asked.

He nodded, biting his lip.

Lachlan kissed his mother. “We have to go. We’ll speak soon.”

“We need to talk more about this.” She cocked her head subtly toward Manuel.

After we said our goodbyes, the four of us left Belen behind.

As we drove, Lachlan remained lost in thought, while the children giggled in the back seat.

“You don’t mind dropping Ava off at my mother’s?” I asked.

“She can stay with us if you like. She gets on well with Manuel, and he could use a buddy.”

I turned to study Lachlan as he merged onto the freeway. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve been better. I need to call Aidan when we get back.”

His cool response made me ask, “Would you prefer to be alone?”

“No. I want you there. We can drop Ava off in the morning.”

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