Page 16 of Devoured By Peace

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“That’s true.” He took a deep breath. “We could do take out.”

“No. I’ll whip something up for all of us. I make a very edible omelet.”

“An omelet would be just great.” Lachlan smiled brightly and kissed me.

He went off to make a call, leaving me to arrange dinner.

When I’d called Harriet earlier to explain that Ava was staying the night, I wanted to tell her about Ollie but thought it best I told her in person.

After we’d had dinner and the children had been put to bed, Lachlan brought out a photo album. I liked looking at the photos of him as a teenager and his school photos.

“You were gorgeous.”

“Were?” He tilted his head.

“You’re still pretty okay.” I giggled.

He passed me a photo of a little boy.

“That’s Manuel,” I said.

“Nope. It’s Brent.” He handed me another photo. “That’s my dad.”

I stared at the fair-headed man with blue eyes, who looked like Lachlan but not Manuel or Brent.

“Brent obviously got his looks from your mom,” I said.

Lachlan paced about, lost in his own world.

“What about Manuel’s mother?” I asked.

Lachlan left the room and returned with a framed image of a blond woman in a wedding dress. “That’s his mother.”

Manuel didn’t look anything like her either.

He ran his thumb over his lower lip. “My father insists the boy’s not his.”

When his phone buzzed, he stared at the screen. “I’ve got to take this.”

I walked around the large living room and studied the Impressionist art on the blue walls, lingering at a small gilt-framed Degas.

A few minutes later, Lachlan returned, looking pale. He set his phone down. “That was Ollie’s dad.”

“How is he?”

“He’s paralyzed.” He slumped into the chair and buried his head in his hands. “Fuck.”

I went over and knelt his side, taking his hand. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded slowly then rose. “I need a hard drink. Can I get you one?”

“No. I’m still drinking my wine.”

He returned and fell into his chair, shaking his head. “Fuck. I should’ve stopped him.”

“But he would’ve done it, anyway. Ollie strikes me as a very confident, determined individual.”

“Yeah. You’ve got that right.” He exhaled.

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