Page 13 of Holiday Proposal

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"I don't know," the woman with dark hair says with a shrug. "Desperate? I mean, she's pretty enough, but he can do better than her."

I know these women are spiteful bitches, but their comments destroy my self-esteem. My happiness washes away, and I hate that I’m allowing them to make me feel this way. They’ve triggered all my insecurities and self-doubt with a few nasty words.

"Oh, you're so mean," the first woman says, laughing as if I’m a joke. "I'm going to talk to him. He’s coming home with me tonight."

I hold back tears as I watch her walk through the reception hall and dance across the floor toward Henry. As quietly as possible, I make a beeline toward one of the doors and escape into the humid evening. I won't be able to hold back my tears for much longer, and I'm not going to cry at Annie's wedding because some mean girls insulted me.

I make my way to the lake and find a quiet spot where I can sit alone. I berate myself for thinking something was starting between Henry and me. Listening to those women and hearing them talk about how Henry never commits to a woman, I can't help but wonder how they know. Henry barely knows Annie and her husband, but apparently, everyone knows he doesn’t do relationships.

Henry has always flirted with me, but I thought he was joking, that it didn't mean anything more. Maybe all this time, he was telling me how much he liked me, and I was too dense to realize it.

One thing I know is I don't want anyone else to have Henry. I want Henry in my life as more than my best friend. The thought scares me, but I have so much more to lose after last night because he owns my heart. He knows me. He's been with me through thick and thin. He's seen me at my best. He's seen me at my worst. And he's never left my side. I have friends who haven't stuck with me the way he has.

I never believed he could be serious about me. I wrap my arms around my torso and hug myself tightly. My emotions are on a roller coaster, and I can't hit the brakes.

I'm in love with my best friend, but I’m scared he won’t commit to me.

Was a moment of giving in to my feelings the end of everything with Henry?
