Page 6 of Holiday Proposal

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Istumble down the hall, rushing to get to the elevator so I can get to the lobby and meet Annie and the other ladies. I'm not sure what happened with Henry, but I'm experiencing a strange mix of confusion and desire. It was unexpected to wake up with my arm wrapped around him, but it also felt good. I can’t explain it, but it was like everything I’ve wanted with a man but haven’t been able to find.

If I'm honest, I've always been a little attracted to Henry, but he was always dating a long string of other girls, and he never seemed like the committing type. Then we became friends and best friends, so I pushed thoughts of dating him to the back of my mind because I never wanted to jeopardize our friendship and risk losing him.

* * *

"Oh my God. Are you ready?"Annie's voice is high-pitched with excitement, and my heart spills over with love for her. Her excitement is contagious.

In college, we were dorm neighbors, but she moved up to Seattle a couple of years after we graduated, and we haven't seen each other much since then, aside from the few times she and Jared visit San Diego.

"I'm looking forward to today, Annie. I'm so excited for you.”

“I'm so glad you're here, Edie. I’ve missed you so much!” Annie pulls me into a huge hug, and everything feels better.“I know we haven't seen each other much in the last few years, but you know it's not because I didn't want to, right Edie?"

“Of course, Annie. I know that.”

“It seems like there's hardly time to do everything.”

I stifle a sharp pang of envy and keep my smile on my face. There's no reason for her to know I'm jealous that she's found love.“I understand, Annie.”

Annie looks at me, a big grin on her face. "What was going on last night with you and Henry? I saw you two dancing."

"Oh, it was nothing," I fib. “We were just drunk and dancing. You know how close I am with him."

It was so much more than that, especially this morning. Henry and I aren’t shy when it comes to asking someone out, but there’s a vibe between us, and without even understanding what’s going on, I know nothing between us could ever be casual.

"It looked like you were a lot closer to him than I've ever heard you describe, Edie. It looked like you two were making love on the dance floor."

"Oh, no, Annie, it wasn't like that." I’m thankful we’re sitting in a sauna, so she can’t see how much I’m blushing.

"Edie, that's not what your hips were saying when I watched you two dancing last night.”

"No, honestly," I say, the lie slipping easily from my lips. "I just got out of something with a guy, and I don't even want to date right now."

"If you say so," Annie says, winking at me. “Let me introduce you to the other girls. I don't know if you met any of them last night.”

* * *

"This is absolute bliss,"Donna says, coming out of the massage room. "Can we take these guys home with us? Do you think our husbands would mind?"

The other women all laugh, and the divide grows even wider. I can't participate because their jokes are all about things I don't have. I don't have a fiancé. I don't have a husband. I don't have kids like Celia and Denise. I don't have house renovations to oversee. I’m like the ugly duckling for still being a single woman and living in an apartment without a boyfriend.

"Hey, Annie," I say, getting up and going over to her," I'm going to go walk down by the lake and get some air. You don't mind, do you?"

Annie gives me a long look and nods without saying anything. I know taking off is unexpected, but I don’t want to be a downer.

"No problem. Go on. We'll catch up later. Okay?"


* * *

By the timeI get to the lake, I'm already starting to relax.

Even after the mimosas and massages, I have the dull ache of a hangover lingering behind my left eye.

Surprisingly, this part of the lake is almost deserted. I drop my things on one of the wooden Adirondack deck chairs and head straight to the water. The water is cool, but it’s a delicious contrast to the sun blazing in the sky.

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