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The bullet zipped by, grazing my arm. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but now I was pissed.

Without a second’s pause, I was on my feet. All dozen of my men flew in the same direction, all of us making our way toward the rear exit door where the shot had come from. Salvatore was out first at the same time tires squealed across the parking lot.

More gunshots. Glass shattering. The crash of metal.

I stepped outside just in time to see Salvatore lower his gun.

Nice hit.

I nodded to him in acknowledgement as I strode across the pavement to the totalled black Cadillac that had tried to plow right through the ’67 Mustang in the lot.

Gabe was going to be pissed.

I would have let him have a go at the driver, but when I got to the car and ripped open the door, the driver already had a bullet in the side of his head—courtesy of Salvatore. The passenger hadn’t fared any better. His head was lodged in the windshield.

“Motherfucker,” Gabe cursed next to me.

His eyes were wide, and the muscles of his jaw twitched spasmodically. He was staring at his car.

“I’m real sorry, boss,” Salvatore said, staring at the ground in front of my feet. “I’m sorry,SignorCosta,” he said, casting a furtive glance up at Gabe.

“It’s all right, Salvatore,” Gabe said, still staring at the wreck with his fingers laced behind his head. “He who holds onto his earthly possessions, and all that shit.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You want to drag out the driver and kill him some more,fratello?”

Gabe looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “But I’d sure love to find out who sent him and killhima few times over.”

I nodded.

But that left one glaring question: Who had sent him?

I didn’t recognize the passenger—though he’d be kind of hard to recognize at the moment—but the driver, I’d definitely seen before.

“That’s one of Nova’s men, isn’t it?” Salvatore asked, squinting his eyes and leaning closer to get a good look at the guy.

“Yeah, it is,” I confirmed while trying to figure out what was going on.

Novas, Lucianos, Lucas, Avalone’s kid?

It kind of looked like every family in the country had gone insane and was taking random shots at each other.

Salvatore nodded. “I’ll see about getting this mess cleaned up,” he said with one last apologetic glance at Gabe.

Before Gabe started quoting the Bible again, I led him back inside, leaving our men to deal with the mess. He looked around the moment we stepped inside.

“You’re going to have to tell Dad,” he said under his breath.

“I know.” I squeezed the bridge of my nose, fighting back a migraine.

With so many Costa men as witnesses, there was no keeping this quiet. One of the Novas had just taken a shot at the next-in-line of the Costa family. And that meant the Costas were about to rain down hell on what was left of the Novas.

I couldn’t help but wonder, though, if we were about to put down a foe… or if we were playing right into some unknown player’s hand.

Chapter Twenty-Five

