Page 25 of Grump Daddy

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What has happened to me? I’ve damn near lost my mind.

“So, what does that mean I win?” I play right back. “Because that means I’m the winner overall, right? Because pool is so much harder to win than ping pong.”

“Hey!” Her offense comes with a pouted-out bottom lip. A lip I would love to suck and nibble on. “I don’t think that’s true at all. If so, you would have won both.”

“Hmm, I don’t know about that,” I tease. “I might have been letting you win…”

Isabella shoves me playfully, knocking me backward into the edge of the water. As the cold salty waves lap around my feet, a cheeky idea rolls through my mind which I act on without thinking about it. I kick my feet upwards, splashing some of the water all over Isabella, shocking her into letting out a little squeal.

Not one to back down easily. Isabella rushes forwards and scoops up water to splash all over me right back. The competitiveness between us burns bright, we can’t stop fighting back until we’re both half soaked and collapsing in laughter all over again.

My cheeks ache as well as my stomach, and I can’t recall a time I have been so happy.

I want to cling to this happiness, to hold on to it forever, which is why I overstep the boundaries I know I shouldn’t. The consequences don’t seem to matter a damn. I grab Isabella, pulling her towards me so I can cup her cheeks in my hands. The surprise in her eyes amuses me, because she knows as well as I do that this is craziness.

But this magnetic pull… this intoxication… I can’t keep fighting off the temptation.

I crash my lips down to hers and take those beautiful lips of hers in mine. Fireworks explode in the pit of my stomach so powerfully I pull her right up against me, practically molding our bodies into one another. Somehow, this kiss is more addictive than the last one. I thought that had knocked me off my feet, butthis…oh my God. I can’t let her go.

I won’t.

My tongue snakes between her lips, the passion intensifies until I’m not sure I can move. Other than to collapse onto the beach together, to roll around in the sand, intertwined with one another, exploring one another until the moon transforms into the sun…



What am I doing?

It doesn’t really matter as we hurry back to Elijah’s cabin. I don’t see any reason to try and make sense of any of it because it isn’t like I’m going to stop. Not when the ache between my legs is so utterly unbearable and I truly need to be sated.

Elijah seems to be battling with everything as well, his hands tremble as he pulls out the keys to unlock his door. It makes me smile to watch him struggling with the lock, and even more when he races inside to close all his curtains.

We don’t wantanythingto stop us this time around. It’s almost like we absolutely need to get this out of our system and there is nothing we can do to halt it.

Good because Christ my knees are about to buckle at any given moment.

As Elijah finally seems to accept that the cabin is secure, he twists to stare at me, placing a ton of weight on my chest.

I can’t breathe, I need him to come to me already.

Thankfully the magnetic pull is too intense for him. He takes big strides to close the gap between us and finally, after what feels like a lifetime of agonizing waiting, scoops me up in his arms and slams me up against the wall so he can kiss me once more.

Fuck, kissing Elijah Agnor is nothing like kissing anyone else. I don’t know what it is about him but he causes every cell within me to explode. I’m like a bunch of fireworks exploding everywhere, a volcano letting off some steam before it erupts.

The current of passion is nuclear, his tongue strokes mine as I lift my feet off the floor to wrap tightly around him. I don’t know if it’s because he has the wall to support him but he’s holding me upright as if I’m lighter than a feather, just a part of his body that he can throw over his shoulder, should he choose.

The way I’ve angled myself allows my already soaking wet panties to grind against him, allowing me to really feel how turned on he is for me as well.

Fucking hell… fuck.My head is spinning, dizziness drowns me, I’m already addicted to holding on to him. Elijah’s body is sexier to feel than it is to look at, and I’ve barely had a chance to feel him yet…oh God, I can’t wait until I canreallyfeel him.

I try to catch some breaths, just so I can gather myself back up again, as Elijah’s lips move off mine and slide over my cheeks, the exposed skin of my throat, and eventually my collar bone.

Inadvertent moans come flying out of my lips as Elijah spreads space dust all through me.

I toss my head back, let it loll to the side in desire, and let him consume me.

My top slips down, exposing my already naked breasts. I didn’t think I needed a bra before because I wasn’t planning on doing much tonight, but now I’m even more grateful that there’s no more material between us. I absolutely need the intoxicating sensation of his burning hot breaths setting my nipples on fire. By the time he’s wrapped his lips around them, he’s tugging and teasing me into an oblivion, sending me into heaven.
