Page 32 of Grump Daddy

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They don’t see it, but that doesn’t matter.

The pain is still there.

“Elijah, where have you been hiding this one?” Michael laughs as he finally makes the decision to bring me back in to the conversation. Why? I have no idea. “She really is just as talented as you said she was. One in a million. A copywriter that I definitely want to work with. We should set up another meeting in the morning to chat about it.”

Okay so this is good, really good, but I’m very much on edge about it. Even if it will be worthwhile to go back to the office with more work. “Right, yeah sounds good. We can make that happen. You just name the time and place…”

“I will be in touch about it.” He slings his arm casually around the back of Isabella’s chair as if they are there together and I’m the spare part. “That means we can give up the boring work talk now, can’t we? We can have a proper drink and a chat.”

My heart thunders in my mouth until Isabella rises to her feet and steps away from us, looking like she doesn’t believe she’s the center of Michael’s world right now.

“Well, I will leave the pair of you to it then.” She smiles at us both in turn. “Have a good night and I will see you both in the morning for the meeting.”

As she walks off, leaving us both behind without even looking back, I can see the way that Michael’s face crumples. Whereas I am soaring on air because it means Isabella has no interest in him at all. It makes it worth seeing her walking away and making my night that much more empty.

I would rather her be gone than flirting like crazy with Michael.

This is the best of two less than pleasant options.



I haven’t seen Olivia this morning, she’s been locked away in her bedroom with Benji which is good because it means I don’t have to answer any questions. Olivia would definitely want to know why I’m dressed up smartly and going to a work meeting when we’re supposed to be on vacation. It isn’t like I need this work when my schedule is already packed, but I am intrigued and want to know more.

Michael and Elijah are high flyers. The sort of businessmen I didn’t know I would stand a chance with ever. I don’t know if this is even something that I want, but I’m more than willing to give it a shot, just to see where it might take me.

It’s intriguing, that’s for sure.

“Right,” I whisper at my nervous reflection. “Come on, let’s do this.”

With a surge of, hopefully not misplaced, confidence, I head out of the cabin to meet Elijah and go with him to meet Michael.

Oh shit.

The moment I set eyes on Elijah my heart does a weird little thing. A jump, it’s almost like I can hardly stand to look at him because it’s like staring into the sun. He’s so gorgeous that he’s actually hard to look at. I noticed his striking good looks the first moment I saw him, but now knowing that there is so much more to him, he’s even better looking.

Those eyes of his are so naughty, his broad shoulders kissable, his lips touchable…ooh everything about him. Even in the cold light of day, when I know I shouldn’t, all I want to do is wrap my legs around him so tightly I can never let go.

“Good morning.” But of course, neither of us act on the sizzling chemistry because we’re only a few meters away from Olivia, and we really can’t let her find out. “You ready?”

I suck in a sharp breath and nod. “I think so. As ready as I can be.”

I don’t mention the intense vibes I got from Michael last night, which is why I skipped off and left the meeting at the very first opportunity. I wanted to stick around and hang out with Elijah. Ofcourse,I wanted to, but I didn’t want to be around him any longer.

But then I think that might be because the situation was intense. And I was still a little freaked out from what happened before with Hank. But now, it’s morning, and the atmosphere is less intense, so I know it’s going to be fine.

Plus, I have Elijah here anyway, so I don’t think I need to worry about a thing.

“You’re going to be awesome,” Elijah reassures me with a smile. “I just know Michael will be chomping at the bit to give you the job. He’d be an idiot not to.”

I hope Elijah is right. Not because I need the work, but because I want to prove myself to him. I’m sure he sees me in a certain way because I’m just a freelancer. Most people see that as a job which doesn’t take up much time, and isn’t difficult. That isn’t the case at all. There are times when I work a twenty-four hours day just to meet a deadline. There are times when the work is really hard.

Just because I don’t go to an office and work for contracts, doesn’t make me any less of a hard worker. And that’s what I want to show to Elijah.

Damn it, I really want to impress him, don’t I? That’s crazy.

Michael is waiting for us in a café, but he’s in the back in a private room which seems like it’s been reserved for this meeting. Weird, I didn’t think it was going to bethatserious. Now I don’t know if I’m ready for this at all.
