Page 73 of They Never Tell

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“Do you think he really did it?”

“I don’t know, Lady. He just don’t strike me as that type.”

She had a later shift that day, so she made a real breakfast that morning. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit medley. Bria had hurried out the door with just a pancake and a couple of pieces of cantaloupe, and it hurt Ladonna’s feelings. “I don’t think thereisa type. People snap all the time. Good people. Your friends, your neighbors. Maybe he snapped.”

“You watch too much of them crime shows.”

“Whatever. So what are we gonna do?” she said while she made his plate. Somebody in this house was gonna eat that damn food.

“Ain’t much we can do right now. But I’ll tell you this: I don’t want any of this blowing back on the Twelve.”

Of course, she thought. She handed him his plate, and he nodded his thanks. “That’s your biggest concern?”

He frowned. “Why wouldn’t it be? I’m not the boy’s daddy. I’m not his attorney. It’s up tothemto handle all that. I don’t want this affecting everybody else. That’s all I’m saying.”

“You know, sometimes…” she trailed off.

“What?” he said, his mouth full of pancake.

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah, you do. Say it.”

Ladonna shook her head and checked the clock on the microwave. “Hurry up and finish that. You’re gonna be late.”

Marcus chewed a piece of bacon and eyed her suspiciously. “What time will you be home tonight?”

She hesitated. “Probably around eight or so. Why?”

“Just wondering.”

She watched him take another bite of bacon. “Did you need me to do something?”

He shook his head, still staring at her.

“Okay. Well…I guess I’m gonna shower and run some errands so I’ll see you later. Have a good day.”

“You too.”

She should have gone upstairs and turned on the water for her shower, but for some reason, she lingered, saying nothing. There was weight to the silence. Uncomfortable weight. So Ladonna did what she does.


“So apparently Bakari is also in some trouble.”

“What kinda trouble?”

“Some foolishness with one of his teachers. She’s saying he sexually assaulted her.”

Marcus' eyes went wide. “What? That’s crazy.”

“Isn’t it? It kinda feels like everything is falling apart.”

Marcus frowned. “I hadn’t heard about that. Usually, I know stuff before you do. How’d you hear?”

She hesitated. “Iesha told me.”

“When was this?”

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