Page 28 of Perfect Someday

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“My mom is super excited for me. I have her full support.”

I stop and think about what she’s really saying. “Then, why haven’t you told me?”

Her eyes drift down, and I get my answer.

“You’re not even going to try to fight for us?”

She doesn’t look up.

“You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you? No matter what I say right now, it won’t matter?”

She shakes her head, then finally meets my eyes again, tears dropping out of hers. She looks devastated, but she’s the one doing this, so I don’t understand why she’s ending everything that is us.

“I didn’t want to do this, but I have to follow my dreams.”

“I guess your dreams don’t involve me,” I spit out.

She jolts as the reality of what I just said sinks in. Ever since we got together, I have always included her in my future, yet as soon as her life takes a turn, I’m the first to go.

“I see how it is,” I state as I start to pace my room.

I feel absolutely blindsided right now. Yes, I knew it was going to be hard, but I was willing to make it work. For us.

She reaches for me, but I don’t allow her to touch me.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

I stop and look at her, hating that she’s crying and wanting to hold her but it’s obviously not me that she wants right now so I stay back. We stare at each other for a minute before she covers her face with her hands, turns, and walks out of my door without saying another word.

I sit down on my bed, running my fingers through my hair as I scream out, “Fuck!”

Throwing everything off of my bed does nothing to lift my mood and only makes the hurt inside me grow even more.

My dad enters the room. “You okay?”

That’s when it hits me. “You knew,” I yell as a statement rather than a question.

He holds up his hands in defense. “It wasn’t my place to say anything.”

I step up to him, eye to eye for the first time with my father. “You let me sit here for the last two weeks, making plans on how I would make this work and when I would come back to visit, and you knew she was moving to Tennessee, so none of it would ever happen.”

“Matthew.” He places his hand on my shoulder, but I push him off. He takes a deep breath to give us both a moment. “We weren’t sure if it was going to happen.”

“But you helped her.” I glare into his eyes. “You literally helped my girlfriend break up with me.”

“No,” he states calmly. “I helped your girlfriend follow her dreams in something that I think she really has a talent for, just like I helped you get into UM for baseball.”

“Which, ultimately, you knew would cut me out of the picture.”

“You guys are young. You have forever. This is just college.”

I clench my jaw, giving him anare you fucking kidding meexpression.

He places his hand on my shoulder, and I let him this time. “First loves are hard. But distance might do you guys good. If you’re truly perfect for each other, then someday, you’ll be together. You just have to wait for that someday. Be patient, son. If it’s meant to be, it will be. For now, you each need to follow your personal dreams before you can be each other’s dreams. Do you feel me?”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, shaking my head.

“Come on. We have to get on the road to make our check-in time.”
