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You’ve always wanted to be someone’s sunshine.

Everything fell away in that moment. The army, her country, her position, her iron discipline.

For one shining second, he was a man and she wasn’t a soldier. She was a woman. The woman she’d never let herself be.

Her pulse thundered in her head, her hands curled into fists at her sides. ‘And so? Is that all?’

‘What more do you want?’ He took a half-step towards her. ‘Do you want me to take you? Is that what you’re trying to say? Because if so, you’d better be very, very clear.’

This could be her chance. A moment to relax the discipline of years and allow herself to have something more. Something that wasn’t about hiding herself or proving herself. That was about pleasure and release. About feeling good, feeling wanted, because he did want her. Out of all the women he could have, it was her he’d chosen.

So why not take what he had to offer? Why not step beyond the boundaries she’d set for herself? Throw off the armour she’d encased herself in? Unlock the cage?

Just for a night. Just for a night she could be free.

‘Yes,’ she said hoarsely. ‘That’s exactly what I’m trying to say.’

He’d gone very still, the gold in his gaze molten. ‘I hope you understand what you’re asking for, Calista. Because I have nothing to offer you but one night. I will be marrying Princess Eleni and I will not be changing my mind.’

But that was perfect. One night to indulge these feelings, to explore them, satisfy them. One night to be a woman. And then she could return to being a soldier with no regrets and no looking back. Yes, she didn’t want or need anything more.

‘One night is all I want.’

‘And afterwards, I can never acknowledge you. It will be like it didn’t happen.’ His voice was rough, hard. ‘My loyalty first and foremost is to my brother and I need to maintain the reputation I’ve built here for his sake. Word that I have spent a night with you cannot get out.’

‘I don’t want it to get out.’ She stared fiercely at him. ‘This can’t jeopardise my promotion to the king’s guard or my standing within the palace guard. This would derail my entire career.’

‘It won’t. I give you my word.’ And he meant that, too, it was clear.

Somewhere inside, she was trembling with a strange combination of excitement and fear, which was puzzling. The thought of pain and death was a soldier’s constant companion and she’d made her peace with both of those things. But pleasure? Baring her body to someone else? That was a different story. She’d been in her armour a long time. What would it be like to take it off?


A shudder worked its way through her as he stared at her, and she could feel tension building in the space between them, an electric energy that snapped and crackled over her skin.

‘Be sure, Calista,’ he said softly. ‘Sometimes getting what you want isn’t at all how you’d expect.’

But it was too late for second thoughts. Now he was within reach and those barely acknowledged desires were close to becoming reality, she wanted them. She wanted them badly. She’d be free in his arms, she knew it deep in her soul. Free in a way she hadn’t been for years, if ever. Free of her armour, free of her discipline. Free of having to be so controlled and so locked down all the time.

Free of the soldier.

Yes, that too. How could she walk away from that?

‘I’m sure,’ she said, her voice sounding breathless.

He studied her face a moment longer, then abruptly turned, striding to the door of his bedroom, shutting it and locking it before turning back.

‘No titles tonight, Calista,’ he said in that dark, rich, silken voice, beginning to prowl towards her. ‘NoYes, Your HighnessandNo, Your Highness. NoSorry, Your Highness.’ He moved like the lion marked on his back, fluid and predatory, lean and hungry, ready to hunt. ‘My name is Xerxes.’

Too quickly he was right in front of her, surrounding her with his heat, his scent, overwhelming her with the force of his presence. ‘Say it.’

Instinctively she obeyed, stumbling slightly over the word. ‘X-Xerxes.’

The expression on his face blazed. ‘Again.’

‘Xerxes.’ This time there was no stumble and the prince fell away. Leaving the man standing in front of her. Passionate and fierce and wild.

Her heart crowded in her throat, the intense rush of adrenaline making it hard to breathe. She wanted to touch him, half lifting her hands to reach for him, but by then he’d buried his fingers in her hair and covered her mouth with his.
