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She fumbles for her glasses and pops them on and reads aloud.

‘We’d like you to share your story. You matter. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we didn’t judge a book by its cover? #PeopleLibrary #BorrowPeople.’She stares back at me with wide eyes. ‘This is your grand plan to save the library?’

I nod. ‘There’s no money until we get the grant, and I can’t get the grant until we get more members so I have to magic up something that will draw a crowd. This might sound cuckoo, but I feel like this is what drew me here. This was my purpose all along.’

‘It doesn’t sound cuckoo at all.’

‘That’s a relief.’

Her eyebrows pull together. ‘By sharing my story, you mean about Jacob?’

‘You can talk about whatever you’re comfortable with. Your childhood, the boat-building business, anything you want. What you’ve gone through is big, Sofia. I’m sure people will relate to it. Or perhaps the borrower will think about you in a whole new light and be empathetic to your plight, having realised they’d pegged you all wrong from the start.’

She’s silent for the longest time before her face breaks into a wide smile. ‘It’s genius, Elodie.’

We exchange grins. ‘I hope so. It just might help break down some of those judgements I keep hearing about around town.’

‘There’s others like me who don’t fit in?’

‘Exactly like you, who have so much love and friendship to give but are unfairly gossiped about for whatever reason.’

She wipes away a stray tear. ‘I’m in! But I’m telling you now, Elodie, it might not be as easy as you think. People here are set in their ways. Theyprefergossiping than hearing the real story; at least that’s my experience. What if no one comes?’

‘Don’t you worry about a thing,’ I say, voice full of confidence. ‘We’ll get their attention if I have to scream it from the rooftops. And failing that, I know a reporter who can spread the news.’ I give her a wink. ‘I bet we’ll have a line a mile long wanting to have their thirty minutes listening to you. If there’s one thing Willow Grove has in abundance it’s inquisitive people.’

‘This might just work and I might make some female friends as quick as that.’

‘You’ve already made one,’ I say and hold my wine glass up to clink against hers. But part of me feels guilty promising friendship when I’m not exactly who I say I am, knowing that trust is a big thing for Sofia. Would she be upset if she found out who I really was? I’d hate to think she’d tar me with the same brush as her missing husband, Jacob. We’re different, right? I’m here for good, not evil. Surely she’d understand?

Chapter 9

By the time Monday rolls around, I’m eager to get my idea off the ground. It could go either way. The locals might not accept it and it could backfire but I have to give it a try. We’re not signing up enough new members with our other initiatives so I pray this will work.

The People Library experiment has the potential to save the library and more importantly can bring those lost souls who stand at the periphery back into the fold.

Harry’s head appears as I get to the front doors. ‘Good morning, Harry!’

‘Elodie. You look bright as a button today. The weather must agree with you.’

The sun is out and the day is warm. ‘I had a great weekend. And I spent most of last night nose pressed in a book.’ Daydreaming about this place between chapters, eager to get in today and make things happen.

‘I haven’t read a book in years,’ Harry muses. ‘Not sure I’d have the concentration for it these days.’

Keys in hand, I open the door, face aghast. ‘What! Let’s remedy that today, Harry. What genre do you like?’ I motion him to follow me inside and we go to my desk.

‘I used to like spy thrillers, that kind of thing.’

‘Say no more. I’ve got the perfect novel for you.’ I dash off to find the well-thumbed, doorstop of a book.

‘I Am Pilgrim?’ he says dubiously.

‘You won’t be able to put it down, trust me. An epic espionage thriller that will leave your heart racing. Are you a member here, Harry? If not, I can sign you up now and set you on your way with your book and a nice hot breakfast.’

‘I’m not a member, no.’

‘Let’s get that sorted then.’

Harry searches through his things for some ID. It’s well out of date but has enough details that I can use. When it comes to his address, I pause, then put in the address of the library. I print him a shiny new laminated library card and hand it over with a grin.
