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‘Now I can’t even think of such a thing. I’ve got honest-to-goodness friends! Finally! We’re a motley crew, that’s for sure, but we’ve formed a deep friendship because we were all out of favour, all outsiders, if you will, and there’s no forgetting that. We can forgive, sure, but those hurts will always be there. Now we have each other and that’s something I’ll always cherish. We have our own little family of human books. I have people to cook for – that’s all I’ve ever wanted. To be able to pour my love onto a plate. I delight in them. It’s like having a ready-made family. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll find love again. It’s not impossible, is it? Is there someone? Well, it’s too soon to tell but let me just say,there are some special people in my life and even if it doesn’t amount to anything it’s enough for me that they’re there, in my kitchen with me.’

I stand off to the side, listening. I smile at the idea that love just may be on the menu for Sofia. And I’ll make certain I look for clues at the next dinner party. I sense it’s one of the books, so that can only be Pete or Harry.

I leave her as her borrower quizzes her more and go to help Maisie at the desk. The crowds have dwindled but only slightly.

We sign up more members and chat about upcoming programs. Maisie seems happier than ever. I put it down to the fact it looks like we just might save the library. Once we’ve caught up I check the membership total and we’re only fifty-five short of our goal. It’s in sight!

‘Maisie, we’re only fifty-five memberships off saving the library!’

She double blinks. ‘Wow.’ Her forehead wrinkles. ‘Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it was possible.’

‘There were plenty of times I doubted it too,’ I say with a laugh. ‘We just might keep our jobs yet.’

‘I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad to be honest.’

It’s my turn to show surprise. ‘Why?’

She gives a loose shrug. ‘I sort of liked everything how it was before.’

How it was quiet, relaxed and a pace so slow she could nap? Or something else? ‘But isn’t this better? We’ll have new books every week, new members and events. The possibilities are endless.’

‘You wouldn’t understand,’ she says and walks away with what I’m sure are tears in her eyes. Her grief is always just below the surface and I make sure to give her some space.

Maisie’s on my mind for the rest of the afternoon so when the day ends, I head to Sofia’s house wondering if she can shed any light on the matter. When I arrive, I’m surprised to find Harry sitting in the garden, soaking up the soft sun and the bookI Am Pilgrimin his hands. Aha, Harry is the potential paramour! They’ll make a great pair and be the perfect antidote for one another and all they’ve gone through. It looks as though he’s enjoying the book by the speed he’s flicking the pages so I don’t disturb him; instead I go around the back to the kitchen door and knock.

‘Hey, Elodie! Come inside, I’m baking some bread.’

I motion with my head to Harry outside.

‘Oh.’ She blushes. ‘It’s early days yet, more a companionship thing but I’ve invited Harry to stay in the guest house on the condition he shares meals with me whenever he likes. It gives me someone to cook for …’

‘Aww, that’s so sweet! It’ll be nice for both of you.’

She kneads the dough, her apron dusted white with flour. ‘If it wasn’t for the human library I’d never have known about his plight. Never have met him. I was so caught up in my own little bubble I didn’t even know there were others just like me facing the same problems. Harry’s a stubborn old man though. He didn’t want to take over the guest house. We had a fair amount of back and forth about it but in the end I was honest and said being here in this great big castle is lonely. Lonelier than I could ever imagine and knowing he’s close, even if we don’t live in each other’s pockets, provided a sense of security to me. Besides, we’ll be coming into winter soon,and between us I can’t stand the thought of him out in the cold like that. There’s plenty of room here so why not?’

‘It’s a great plan that will suit you both.’ I bet Harry fought long and hard about it though. If there’s one thing he’s got in spades it’s pride. Sofia did well to convince him it was for her benefit as much as his. Could love blossom? Only time will tell.

‘It is.’

I sit on a stool opposite. ‘Did you hear that Charlotte has registered to be a human book?’

Her eyebrows shoot up. ‘She did?’

I nod. ‘You should borrow her. She might surprise you.’

Sofia wipes her hands and flicks the kettle on. ‘Hmm, I’ll think about it. Old wounds and all that jazz.’

I go to the cupboard and take out three mugs. I’m sure Harry could use a nice warm brew to accompany his book. ‘I understand. Have a think about it and let me know if you want me to reserve her for you. Speaking of old wounds, what’s Maisie’s story, do you know? We seem to take one step forward then two backwards. And I just don’t know what to do about her.’

Sofia unearths the biscuit tin. ‘Well, I guess it’s the fact that Agnes Bitterweather was her gran, so she’s dealing with her grief and the fact things have changed so much at the library.’

‘Wait, what?’ I gasp. ‘Agnes Bitterweather was her gran?’

Sofia stops in her tracks. ‘Didn’t you know?’

I fall back onto the stool, my mind spinning. ‘No, how would I know? She told me her gran died but she never said it wasAgnes.’I’m shocked silent. No wonder Maisie has acted like a truculent child with all that going on.

With a shrug Sofia says, ‘Oh, I figured Maisie would have told you as soon as you arrived. She’s not exactly backward about coming forward, that girl. Agnes died right after she retired. Except I found out recently she didn’tactuallyretire.’ Sofia pulls a face. ‘Her hand was forced. So I’m presuming Maisie is stewing in all of that and feels a sense of loyalty to her grandmother. Even if shedidagree with all your changes she probably feels guilty admitting it.’
