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Wants to write a book about how she personally saved a library from being closed/good PR/Astor name again? Testing for one of those ‘undercover employer’ TV shows?

Look into Astor more. What are their future plans? Expansion into Willow Grove perhaps? But what? Where and why?

I’m crushed as I read them all. How could he think so low of me? There’s more but I don’t have the heart to read them.

By the looks of this, he’s been suspicious for quite some time. There’s dates and times on each note, going right back to a month ago. How has he been able to look me in the eye and lie like that? I slump. He wasn’t who I thought he was – and I guess he feels the same about me. There’s nothing else to do except start packing my measly number of belongings. My family needs me and that’s a lot more than I can say about Finn. Isn’t it always the way? The Astor name ruins everything eventually but I really thought I had a chance here, to step away from it and prove myself. I guess I failed again. I may as well give in to it and live the life my mother wants …

Chapter 24

Friday morning, I dash into the library over an hour late. Of all days to sleep in! I stayed up far too late the night before, cleaning the cottage and making sure everything was in order before leaving the keys in the letterbox. I’ll have to email the landlord later and let them know, but first I want to get out of Willow Grove.

‘Maisie,’ I say, finding her in the office waiting for the computer to boot up.

‘You’re so late. What gives?’

I take a moment to catch my breath. ‘Never mind that. I need you to file the funding paperwork. It’s all done, it just needs delivering to the council.’ I rifle though my desk and find the file and hand it to her.

She frowns. ‘So if it’s all completed why don’t you take it there? Is this because you don’t want to walk in the rain? Because if so, I don’t really want to either. I have a very low immune system.’

My head pounds. I don’t have the patience for this. ‘There’s no time. Listen. I need you to step up, OK? Please lock up the library for ten minutes and take it there right now. You can take my place as head librarian, until they sort something else. I’ll … I’ll email them later and put in a good word.’

‘What why?’ She sits ramrod straight.

I fight back tears, as sadness and anger vie for position in my heart. I need to leave before I change my mind. Before one of my human books comes past and I lose whatever composure I have. ‘I’m leaving. Something urgent has come up. I have to leave Willow Grove butpleasedon’t let all our hard work go to waste. You’re going to continue to make great changes here. I believe in you, Maisie, even if you don’t believe in yourself sometimes.’

She narrows her eyes. ‘Why are you being so nice to me when I’ve made it so hard for you?’

I give her hand a reassuring pat. ‘We all have our reasons, Maisie, why we act a certain way. I know your gran was the previous librarian here. I really wish I’d known sooner, and I would have tread a little more softly. I understand why you kept it to yourself, though, and again I’m really sorry for all you’ve been going through – it can’t have been easy having me come along and trample over her memory, making all these changes. Apply for the head librarian job and do her proud, Maisie. Maybe that’s how this is all meant to pan out.’

She wraps her arms across her body as if holding herself in. I’m surprised when tears spring in her eyes. ‘I’m so sorry, Elodie. I should have told you straight up who she was to me. It’s just that it hurt to see you come in and take over, as if the work my gran had done wasn’t up to par. She worked here for so long, taking over when the place was a disorganised mess and she got it back in shipshape using her own blood, sweat and tears because even back then there wasn’t enough money for this place. No matter how many times she appealed to the council, they wouldn’t listen. Instead, they kicked her out like she was nothing. All those years amounted tonothing.

‘Yeah, I know she came across as hard. She had strict rules about dress code and who could come in here, but that was only because she wanted to preserve what was here. She didn’t want people coming in, dusty from work and marring the books – because she knew she couldn’t replace them. I know people saw her as this bossy sort of witch but they didn’t know her reasons. It was always about the protecting the books.’

‘Is that why you were so shocked when I set up a table to sell some of them?’

She nods and wipes away a fallen tear. ‘Yeah, Gran would be rolling over in her grave. Who’d sell these precious books before we knew we could replace them?’

Maisie’s behaviour begins to make a lot of sense. Why didn’t I see her motivations came from a deeper place?

‘I’m so sorry, Maisie. Your gran sounds like she only wanted to protect this place, and like the human books, she was judged unkindly because no one knew the real person behind the façade.’

‘Are you always this understanding?’

I shake my head. ‘Of course not. Really, we’re all the same and trying to make the best of things. Look, I have family problems too – that’s why I need to leave. If anyone asks, please explain that it’s a personal issue and I had to go. I hate to go, but I’ll be leaving my heart here in Willow Grove.’ I dig in my pocket for a wrinkled tissue, losing the fight to remain composed. I turn away so she doesn’t see me cry – Maisie has enough on her plate right now without me adding to it. I quickly gather my things.

Part of me is suspicious about the timing of Finn’s sister’s surprise engagement party and his sudden need to leave Willow Grove. Maybe I’m overthinking it in my panicked state – but that same old worry surfaces,that people are only out for one thing when it comes to the Astor name and he’s a reporter after all. All his notes, his investigations must mean something. Is he planning some sort of exposé that will catapult him into the world of investigative reporting? Was I his ticket out of here all along? It doesn’t matter, I need to go and be with my father. I can put out any fires when I get to London. I heft my bag over my shoulder and go to leave. I give Maisie a quick hug and head for the door.

‘Wait, Elodie!’ She rushes to me. ‘I’m so sorry about everything. I really am … I …’

‘Don’t be sorry. Get that paperwork in as soon as you can!’ Members are milling about so I need to get out of here as fast as I can before one of them stops me for a chat. I hail a cab, screw the expense! I don’t want to run into anyone I know catching the train and I have a sense my resolve might weaken. Alone with just the driver – at least I can cry in private. I’m sure most cabbies have had a woman bawling over a man many times before.

‘To Central London please.’

My phone rings and Finn and Maisie’s names flash. I send them straight to answerphone and then switch it off.

Maybe Willow Grove wasn’t meant to be. I’ll always be proud that we pulled together to save the library. Isn’t that enough, that I achieved what I set out to do? I did it under my own steam without using my name or connections. That only leaves Finn’s betrayal. He always seemed too good to be true with his wholesome smile and sparkling, inquisitive eyes. The old-school romance was a farce, after all. It came so naturally though, how would I guess? My chest is tight and I find it hard to catch my breath.Is this what it feels like to have your heart broken …?

