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Chapter 1

The Present

His blood is all over both of us. Arterial blood, bright with oxygen. My shirt is drenched in it. It’s in my mouth, in my nostrils; I breathe it in, Itasteit. Salty and metallic, as if I’ve licked a rusty metal railing.

I rock back on my heels and push the hair out of my eyes. Our mortal struggle has left us both panting, gasping for breath. Ten feet away from me, she manoeuvres herself into a half-seated position, her left arm hanging uselessly at her side.

The knife lies in a glistening ruby pool between us. I don’t take my eyes off her for a single second. Her gaze slides towards the blade, and then back to me.

My phone is out of reach, in my bag by the door. There’s no use calling for an ambulance, anyway. He’s dead. No one can lose that much blood and survive.

There are shouts outside. Running feet. The Beach House is set away from the main hotel, but sound carries across water. Someone heard the screaming. Help is coming.

I see her realise it too. Cradling her dislocated arm,she turns quickly towards the open terrace door, weighing up her chances. It’s only one floor up, there’s soft sand below, but the tide is coming in, cutting off the causeway, and she’s in no condition to scramble up the treacherous cliff steps. She’s running out of time, anyway; the voices are right outside the door.

She looks at me, and gives a small shrug,win some, lose some, then leans back against the edge of the sofa, and closes her eyes.

The hubbub outside intensifies. The door shudders, and then splinters. Two men spill into the room, a press of white faces behind them. I see the shock in their eyes as the gory scene registers. One of them turns and shuts the door, but not before a mobile phone flashes in the crowd.

Now perhaps everyone will finally believe me.



Date:- 25/07/2020

Duration:- 41 Minutes

Location:- Burgh Island Hotel

Conducted by Officers from Devon & Cornwall Police


This interview is being recorded. I am Detective Inspector John Garrett and I’m the Senior Investigating Officer of the Major Crime Team investigating the violent death of Andrew Page at the Burgh Island Hotel earlier today. The date is Saturday the twenty-fifth of July 2020, and the time by my watch is 3.40 in the afternoon. What’s your full name?

