Page 188 of One in Three

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‘Can I have some?’ Bella asks her mother.

Louise jumps, as if miles away. ‘Yes, if you’d like,’ she says absently.

I don’t know if it’s too much wine with dinner, or my preoccupation with what I have to do, and why. The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. ‘You can’t drink when you’re pregnant,’ I tell Bella unthinkingly.

I want to snatch back the words, rewind, but it’s too late. Everyone turns to Bella, eyes wide with shock. Even Celia is rendered speechless.

‘I’m not pregnant!’ Bella cries. ‘I’mnot,’ she repeats, as the horrified silence stretches.

‘Of course she’s not!’ Louise exclaims furiously. ‘I’m sorry, Bella,’ she adds, shoving back her chair, ‘I’ve tried to be understanding, I really have, but this is the final straw. I can’t be in the same room as this woman at the moment. She’s either wicked or insane. I don’t want to spoil your evening, Mum, but I have to get some air. I’ll see you in the morning.’

Bella stares at me, her face white, trembling with anger and betrayal. For a moment, I think she’s going to say something, but she simply takes Taylor’s hand and the two of them leave without a word. I feel sick to my stomach as everyone else follows them. I have only ever wanted to help Bella. She will never forgive me for this.

But forgiveness isn’t important. Saving Bella from her monster of a father is the only thing that matters.

I slip back to the dining room and go over to our table, still cluttered with our dirty plates and glasses. There’s no one to notice me palm the steak knife Louise was using, with her fingerprints all over it, and slip it into my bag.



Date:- 25/07/2020

Duration:- 51 Minutes

Location:- Kingsbridge Police Station

Conducted by Officers from Devon & Cornwall Police



So that was the last time you saw your ex-husband alive? On the beach last night?

