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Mr Thatcher, if you had known this information, would you still have felt comfortable allowing Louise and Caroline Page work in the same office?

Chapter 20


I wait until Sunday, when Bella and Tolly are in London with their father, before packing up our things at Andrew and Caz’s house. The kitchen at home is still only half-finished, which means we’re going to have to rough it for a bit; Tolly won’t mind, but Bella’s not going to be happy. She likes being here at her dad’s, in the centre of town; it’s an easy walk to meet up with her friends, and since it’s so close to school, she can sleep in half an hour later. She’s going to kick up a storm when she finds out we’re going back home.

I’m just sweeping an astonishing array of phone chargers into a plastic carrier bag in the kitchen when I’m startled to hear the front door open.

‘Sorry to catch you unawares,’ Andrew says apologetically. ‘I know you weren’t expecting them back till tonight. I wanted to phone ahead, but Tolly—’

‘Mummy!’ Tolly cries, pushing past his father and flinging himself at me. ‘We’re home! Are you surprised? Did we surprise you?’ His arms wreathe around my neck. ‘I didn’twant you to miss us anymore,’ he says, with just the tiniest tremor in his voice.

Tolly’s only four; even one night without your mother is a lifetime at that age. Most of the time, he takes his weekends with his father and Caz in his stride, but occasionally he gets homesick, and Andrew is sensitive enough to take his lead from his son when that happens, for which I’m grateful.

‘Thank you so much for coming home early,’ I say, hugging him tightly. ‘I was missing you terribly. I hardly slept at all, even though I knew you were having fun with Daddy.’

‘I’m going to find Bagpuss,’ he announces, abruptly pulling away from me, his ship already righted. If only motherhood was always this easy. ‘I think he’s missed me, too.’

Bagpuss! Thank God Tolly reminded me. I knew there was something I’d forgotten.

Bella almost collides with her brother as he races from the room. ‘Why are our bags in the hall?’ she demands. ‘What’s going on?’

‘Dad and Caz have been very kind, letting us stay here, but we’ve imposed enough,’ I say firmly. ‘We’re going back home. It’s going to be a bit like camping until the kitchen’s finished, but—’

‘I don’t want to go home,’ Bella interrupts. ‘I like it here. Can I stay, Dad? I’ll be fine on my own, I promise. And it’s closer to school, I can just get the bus—’

‘You’re sixteen!’ I snap. ‘You’re not staying here on your own.’


‘Sorry, Bell.’ Andrew shrugs. ‘I’m with your mother on this one.’

‘Bella,’ I interject sharply. ‘What’s that in your mouth?’

For a moment, she looks nervous, and then she lifts her chin. ‘I had my tongue pierced,’ she says.

I stare at her, horrified. ‘You didwhat?’

‘It’s my body,’ Bella says defiantly. The effect is marred slightly by the slight lisp from the piercing in her mouth. ‘I have the right to do what I want with it.’
