Page 44 of Ice

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“I want to see you.”

Want. He didn’t say he needed to see her. It wasn’t the fevered rush of passion bringing him to her in this moment as he slowly approached as if afraid of his toe touching a land mine. But still he crossed the expanse of the parking lot, tentative steps, as if the man she’d seen fight should fear anything. He wasn’t saying he needed her to help him, or acting as if she owed the kids an explanation.

“I was hoping we could start with a ride, Luscious,” he offered, and she took notice of the helmet he had in his hand. “Kids don’t get out of school for a few more hours. Us single dads need to use our time wisely.”

“I thought you never gave girls rides on your bike,” she challenged.

Ice cut the distance between them. “I don’t,” he said, cupping her cheek with his hand, and she couldn’t help nuzzling into his palm, the intoxicating smell of leather, wind, and simply him making her eyes flutter. “But I’ve never had a woman before. Only my woman could ever sit bitc—behind me when I ride.”

“You were going to say bitch, weren’t you?” she grumbled. It bit at her the way the MC world was in comparison to hers.

The term of endearment for him was an insult to her. They were on opposite sides of every spectrum, and as a scientist, she should have known she had no chance of survival when it came to not falling completely for him. Magnets attract, not because they are the same but because they are contradicting elements that complement each other, making them whole. Which was exactly what this man she could no longer deny had done to her, bringing out her strength and being there to catch her if the fall was too much for her to handle.

“I want you to be mine, Bree,” he said as his lips hovered a hair’s breadth from hers. “I bought a proper home, in South Vegas. It has room for the kids to grow.”

“It wasn’t the trailer,” she said. “I know I sounded snotty about it, but that wasn’t the issue.”

“My job then,” he said, his body pressing hers and trapping her to the car, the outline of his shaft thickening as he leaned against her sending a wave along her spine and down to her toes.

“No, it’s fine,” she said, even though the man wasn’t stupid enough to believefineactually meant she was okay with him running a strip club.

“Then what?”

“I’m afraid if I don’t walk away from you, someone else will take you from me,” she said, swallowing back the vision of him near lifeless on the pavement. “I’m not sure I could survive actually losing you. Knowing you’re alive on the other side of town—”

“You can’t find and block every contingency known to man, Luscious,” he purred and ran his lips along the column of her throat. The heady scent of him had her hands gliding up over the back of his head, where a tiny area was raised from when he’d been smashed and a scar had formed. Every bit of this was wrong, but the way he called her Luscious was the final rush that destroyed her panties and made her mind whirl. “But we can enjoy the ride for as long as the fates allow.”

His hands became explorers, lost in the dips and valleys created by her natural curves, gripping and holding as her knees weakened. She forgot where she was once his mouth claimed hers, taking her fully up and over the edge, the plunge to the bottom filled with possibilities. She wanted the ride. She wanted the ups and downs and sharp turns, the loops he’d engineered to be safe, creating the slight feeling of weightlessness as she floated.

The safety director inside her head tossed the hard hat to the sky like a mortarboard at the end of graduation. She wanted this man, loved the feel of him and the way he saw her as Luscious, and had no care for who knew it. Passion was unbridled with him, and she was there for every moment, finally understanding what it meant to live for the now and not the later.

“So this bike of yours,” she said once he let her come up for air, “you keep it well tuned?”

“I know of only one thing that purrs better.” Ice’s crooked smile had her lighting the match to the fire she dove into.

Pulling him close, her lips found his, and she delved into his mouth, claiming the man who claimed her right back, knowing and trusting her body to purr in the way he wanted her to and hoping the ride would be just long enough he’d need to drop a few cubes of ice in his drink at the end of it all.
