Page 110 of Nightingale

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Mountain tucked her closer to his chest. “Must you?” he questioned, cupping her cheek and stroking back her hair.

“Oh, I must,” she said pushing up on tiptoes and snagging quick kiss.

“We’ll escort you,” Half Wit and Shark said, having parked their bikes and stepped up to Linnea while offering her their arms.

“See… now I have to kill people,” Mountain said shaking his head as Linnea charmed the men as they walked her up to Maggie’s porch. “I’m so glad I’ll have acres to hide the bodies on.”

“Oh, baby, you won’t have time today to do that,” Amber said as she held his chin between her fingers.

“What exactly do you have planned for me?” he questioned since it was a kid free weekend and he could only imagine how much the neighbors in town were going to be complaining on Monday. “Because I’ll totally ditch the sister for you.”

“I’m sure you will. But sadly, you’re going to be in research hell.”

“I am?” he questioned.

“You are.” Her hands glided over his shoulders then came back around to his chest before slipping down to his belt. “Because I have a feeling, building this house is going to make you very dirty and sore.”

“Not this weekend.”

She placed her finger over his lips to silence him. “And as a registered health care worker, it will be my job to get you clean and take away any stiffness.”

“Go on,” he said, licking his tongue along her finger.

“Being a man of slightly bigger proportions, I’m going to need you to find a shower big enough for both of us.”

His hands squeezed her ass and pulled her flush against a very stiff part of himself. “Nightingale, have I ever told you how much I love your commitment to your work?”
