Page 21 of Nightingale

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“No, I’d like to go,” Mountain said hoping he hadn’t given away too much. Seeing Amber and learning where she lived was another opportunity to test the waters with the woman.

“Good, heavy lifting seems to be your thing and Lil’ Bit has some equipment she has to come home with.”

“Just Lil’ Bit? I mean I get it, but any word on Baldy coming home?”

“His doc checked in with me after rounds, he’s got a few more days just to be safe.” A full body shiver tore through the man. “Last thing I want to do is drill a burr hole in the man’s skull. Best leave it to the experts.”

“That would be a negative Ghost Rider for me too,” Mountain said. “I can think of better ways to spend a Tuesday.” He respected a doc that knew their limitations. While Mountain was impressed with what they did have in the small clinic mixed with Red’s ability to improvise in a crisis, no reason to tempt fate. “What time?”

“She said something about getting her kids at six, which helps us even more, gives us time to set up that temporary ramp at Ma’s. Amber’ll give us a call once they’re on the road then you can go and meet them.” Red grabbed his phone and glanced down at it. “It’s ten now, you might just as well stay here until we get the call.”

“Gotcha Prez. I’m just going to go and hunt for caffeine.” Mountain headed downstairs to the club room and made his way to the bar. “Hey Ax, can I get a cup of coffee?”

“Sure.” Ax filled a cup from the coffee pot and passed it off to him.

The day dragged, even with the little ones running around. All trying to be distracted by the adults who were in a state of limbo. Cass had been tasked with constructing the ramp. It being for his sister, the thing wouldn’t just be a slab of plywood laid over the steps.

Mountain let the kids go to his room to play with Spot. Creature was the only other animal on the property now that Bounty and Cream had found a house in town. The pit bull was a nanny dog, roaming between her masters Red and Roadkill and her charge, Harlow. At some point, Mountain was going to let Spot out of his room and that meant his foundling, undersized kitten was going to have to get along with seventy-five pounds of mutt. As long as Spot didn’t scratch or hiss at Harlow, she should be safe.

Bouncing his knee, he watched the football game being played on the TV. He hadn’t told Beno yet, that he’d be his wingman because he didn’t want the kid any more anxious than he already was. While the kid was paying attention to the game and playing with his cousins, whenever the door to the clubhouse opened, he turned. Hope in his eyes, dashed the moment a club member stepped through the door. Had they told him about the accident? Or where his parents were?

A little after six Red came downstairs. “Mountain, head out. She’s on her way to her house. Texted you the address.”

“Okay, on my way. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Lil’ Mama told Mountain Beno’s car seat was in the extended cab F-150 Lil’ Bit drove. The kid was coloring at the moment and eating goldfish crackers.

“Hey, Beno,” Mountain said. “I need your help.”

“K,” the kid replied, his crayon hovering over the page.

“Red said I have to go pick up your mom.”

Beno jumped up from the table. “Auntie Melia says she got a bad owie on her leg. ‘Dats why I gots to stay with Nana Mags.”

“That’s why I need your help,” Mountain said with hands outstretched. “A friend is driving her part of the way. I’m going to need someone to open doors and hold her hand maybe.”

“Should I brings her fish?” Beno asked lifting the bag of crackers so quickly, a few flew in the air and were quickly gobbled up by Creature who’d wandered over to do her checks on the kids when Red came downstairs.

“Find your coat, I’m not having your mama coming after me for having you out in the cold,” Mountain said.

The men watching the evening game start chuckled a bit.

“Waayy, Beno,” Braxton and Murphy ran up to their cousin.

Murphy passed him a plastic pill bottle from her toy doctor kit. “You needs dis, for Auntie Bit.”

“And dis,” Braxton said putting the fake stethoscope around Beno’s neck.

“Tank yous,” Beno said then turned to face Mountain, his little hand shoving the fake medicine into his pocket.

Mountain shifted the car seat behind him. Beno didn’t need leg room, so he could move the driver’s seat back as far as he needed. Whether Lil’ Bit chose to sit in the backseat or the front, she would have direct access to Beno. With the kid latched securely in the seat, Mountain steadied himself to get in and buckle up. He hated driving a cage, but he didn’t have a choice. Lil Bit was injured and even though he wished, he could take his motorcycle it wasn’t practical.

While he could have opted out, the thought of catching sight of Amber again, made his half hour or so uncomfortable drive worth it. Lil’ Bit’s truck had been decked out, purchased when Baldy and she decided to adopt Beno, the couple had mixed practical with safety. The extended cab was roomy and he did enjoy being able to have a map with directions running live on a screen in the dashboard. Thankfully, the satellite radio was tuned to eighties music and not a kids network.

Berrington had been his home for a few years and Mountain knew most of the streets. Even though he had been more of a heavy in the room than actual brawler. Intimidation fought won more battles over the year than brute force. Amber’s home was near the edge and may take a half hour or so to drive. He couldn’t wait to get there. Something about her intrigued him and having sat idle all day, he was practically racing to beat her home.

Pulling up to a little white house in the block of Lake Street, he parked in the driveway behind a van he recognized from Callum’s daring escape on the highway. She must have called when in route and not when she left to arrive before him. Not seeing anybody in the van, he helped Beno who had already unlatched himself and was preparing to jump to the pavement. Holding the kid’s hand, Beno jumped and the two walked up to the house and he let Beno ring the doorbell. The way the kid was hopping from one foot to the other, he wondered if he should have ran him by the bathroom before getting him in the truck.
