Page 24 of The Politician

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Kendra indicated the footpath running along the side of the field. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight to guide them onto the rugged narrow pathway, walking a pace ahead of Sarah. She missed having her by her side so dropped back though that meant she had one foot on the path and the other on the edge of the ploughed field where the soil was uneven. She walked with one foot hitting the ground lower than the other. It challenged her balance, and probably looked silly, but it was worth it to be closer to Sarah. “This is a shortcut,” she said, sounding as though she was trying to convince herself.

“If we make it through without an incident,” Sarah said and laughed.

Kendra misplaced her foot, stumbled forwards, and dropped her phone. It landed with its flashlight to the ground and thrust them into darkness.

Sarah grabbed her arm. “You didn’t need to demonstrate for me,” she said.

She held Kendra’s coat sleeve and didn’t let go after Kendra had righted herself. They locked eyes. Kendra’s heart raced, her breaths were short and shallow, and her mouth dry. Sarah stared at her intently before she tugged Kendra towards her under the cover of the hedgerow and trees that marked the boundary of the field. Kendra stared at Sarah’s mouth, the shape of her lips, and her stomach threw somersaults. Her heart tried to break out of her chest, willing Sarah to kiss her.

Sarah released Kendra’s arm, and she took a long breath. Disappointment rose swiftly but halted as Sarah leaned forwards and pressed her lips to Kendra’s. She stifled a moan and closed her eyes as wave after wave of tingling pleasure swept across her skin and through to her core. Softly, tentatively, she kissed Sarah back. Sarah placed her hand at the back of her head, and her tongue explored Kendra’s mouth. She tasted sweet, warm, and wet, and Kendra ached to feel Sarah’s hands on her skin. Sarah moaned as she kissed her firmly, and with Sarah’s hand on her breast, Kendra tugged her closer. She undid the two lower buttons on Sarah’s coat and slipped her hand up Sarah’s back and drew Sarah into her. She moved her other hand through Sarah’s hair and kissed her deeply, and Sarah kissed her harder.

Sarah eased out of the kiss, breathing heavily. She ran her fingers through Kendra’s hair and smiled. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” she said.

Kendra trembled. Her core throbbed, and the mantra found its voice and screamed loudly in her ear. She ignored it. “Since you knocked me off my scooter,” she said, her voice affected by emotion.Stop. Now.The warning became faint, distant as she stared at Sarah, and all she could think about was fucking her. It was too late for restraint. She needed what only Sarah could do to her.

Sarah pinched her lips together and nodded. “Is this going to be a problem?”

She should have thought about that before kissing her, surely. Kendra shook her head, created a little space between them and looked down, the weight sliding into her stomach. She had to do the right thing despite what she wanted. “It won’t happen again.”

Sarah huffed out a breath and half-laughed. “I wish it were that simple.”

Kendra’s stomach gripped around the weight. She hadn’t thought that she would probably have to resign because of a drunken kiss, or what that kiss might suggest about them both. She should have exercised restraint, turned Sarah away, and put Sarah’s advance down to the stresses of the job. She should have let her mum drive Sarah to the station. But she hadn’t, and Sarah had kissed her, and she’d kissed Sarah back, and it felt amazing. Sarah had wanted this as much as she had. She shivered as the cold reached beneath her jacket, and the voice in her head told her she was in deep shit.

Sarah put her finger under Kendra’s chin, tilted her head up, and kissed her tenderly. “It’s not going to be that easy for me,” she said.

Kendra released a long breath, and her heart thundered. “You want me to resign?”

Sarah shook her head. “No. I want something else.”

Kendra moved her tongue around her dry mouth. “What do you want, Sarah?” She was pretty sure she knew the answer by the intensity in Sarah’s gaze.

“I want to have sex with you.”

Kendra’s core throbbed. She nodded, her words inhibited by desire.

“Not here, not now.” Sarah laughed. “God, you’re so fucking sexy. You have no idea how much you’ve tested me. I couldn’t resist you any longer.”

Kendra couldn’t stop her conscience intervening. She had to address the issue head-on, to know where she stood. Who was she to compete with Sarah’s steady, happy family life? Was this going to be an affair? “You’re married. You have a family,” she whispered. It wasn’t news, but she needed to say it.

Sarah held Kendra’s gaze and nodded. She ran her fingers slowly through Kendra’s hair and along the line of her jaw, as if checking her over, admiring rather than inspecting.

“Mark and I have an arrangement. The children don’t know that we live separate lives, and if neither he nor I do anything that negatively impacts them, there’s nothing for them to be concerned about. I go away from time to time where I’m unlikely to be recognised, and he has his free time too.”

Kendra widened her eyes. She hadn’t expected a confession of this kind, and it would take a while to process what that meant for her and Sarah. “I’m not going to say anything to anyone.”

Sarah smiled. “I never expected you would, or I wouldn’t have kissed you.” Sarah leaned towards her. “There’s always a risk, Kendra, but I’m very calculated and an excellent judge of character. I knew I could trust you, and that you felt the same way.”

“I do.” Kendra interlocked their fingers, brought Sarah’s hand to her mouth, and kissed across her knuckles. “It’s cold,” she whispered. “You need to get to the station, or you’ll miss the train.” She let go of Sarah’s hand and picked up her phone, casting light onto the field.

Sarah walked by her side as they made their way along the rugged path, Kendra processing Sarah’s admission and the confidence she had placed in her. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved they’d kissed or anxious that Sarah seemed well-versed in having secret affairs. Would Kendra just end up as another notch on Sarah’s bedpost? She was jumping ahead. This was about desire and having fun, and on that basis and if no one got hurt, why not live a little dangerously? Her pulse raced at the thought of them having sex. It would be a matter of them keeping their relationship casual, no pressure, and snatching times when they could be together. And since Kendra managed Sarah’s diary, she could engineer something easily enough.

“Are you okay?” Sarah asked.

“I’m good. You?”

She tugged Kendra’s arm. “I want you. I enjoy that feeling of wanting a sexy woman, and it’s been a long time since I last felt like this.”

Kendra’s core responded to the thrill, and she shortened her stride. “I want you too.”
