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I couldn’t help but soften at his words. “Yes. I can’t imagine wanting anyone more than I want you.”

His brows rose. “Do you have a pool boy?”

I giggled. “I do. And he makes me want to run for cover, not strip down and do the nasty.”

“I like that.” Ty smirked. “Honestly, I left after telling her to move out and I haven’t thought about her since. I don’t miss her. I never loved her, Kate.” He cupped my cheek. “I feel more deeply for you than I ever did her. It has to mean something. This is right.”

I pressed my face against his hand, but I wasn’t entirely ready to let him off the hook yet. “What about the bet?” I whipped around and looked at my father. “And how did you know anything?”

“Employees talk,” my father grumbled.

“Ah, Talia.” Ty chuckled and shook his head. “Kate, the first night here, we went to the casino. I wanted to distract Drew.”

“You said that. Get to the details.” I frowned.

Ty nodded. “The bet was about getting married and staying married for a year. The bet was about…”

“A fucking car!” My father growled. “He married you for a damn car, Kate.”

Ty laughed.

I stared at him horrified. “What’s so funny?”

“Would you like to see my bank account, my investments, my tax returns? Hey, why don’t I just tell you my net worth?” He threw his hands up.

With a glare, I spat, “What does that have to do with anything?”

He leaned close. “I don’t need to marry you to get a car, Kate. I could buy a whole damn Mercedes dealership if I wanted and still not feel a strain on my finances.” Ty stared into my eyes and grinned. “I married you because I genuinely love you and want to be with you. We’re together for all the right reasons, the only reasons that matter.”

“So, what happens after a year?” I licked my lips as I stared at his. How could I possibly still want to kiss this asshole?

“I don’t know. Maybe we take a second honeymoon. Maybe we move to Fiji. Maybe…we make a baby.” His face lit up. “Oh, wow. I’d love to have a little girl with your eyes and laugh.”

“And your long straight nose instead of my smushed one.” I sighed. “That sounds nice.” With a frown, I wondered, “Which car?”

“Whatever. I don’t care. I don’t want anything but you, a life with you, forever with you.” Then he closed the inches between us and our lips connected.

My heart raced. I wrapped my arms around his neck, surrendering completely. Did the journey matter? Or was what we did with our chance more important? “Okay,” I sighed breathlessly as I pulled back from the kiss. “So, let’s give forever a shot.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” my father grumbled.

Ty laughed. “Sorry. I’ve never been more serious.” Then he moved closer to my father while squeezing my hand. “Sir, we need to talk.”

“Jeezus,” my father muttered. “What? Now what?” He held up his hands and ticked off his concerns. “It looks like you’ve got my hotel, my daughter, and the inside track on winning the bet. What more do you want?”

Sitting on the arm of my chair, Ty clapped his hands together. “Well, I was hoping for your blessing. Kate matters. Her happiness means everything to me. And she loves you, so I want things to be good between us.”

“You want it all, don’t you?” My father stared at him in wonder.

“With Kate as my wife, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Now, I want you to be a part of it.” Ty shrugged. “Kate deserves nothing less than everything.” He reached behind him and found my hand.

“Fine. We’ll work on it.” My father sighed as he looked at me. “You sure about this, Kate?”

With a smile, I nodded. My chest ached once more, this time because my heart was so full I thought it would burst out of my chest. I swiped at my eyes, this time because they overflowed with tears of joy. “I love you, Ty,” I whispered. “Do me a favor?”

He whipped around. “Anything for you, babe.”

“No more bets.” I exhaled.

Ty moved and wrapped his arms around me. “There’s a rule about betting,” he murmured. “You never bet more than you can afford to lose. I can’t lose you. No more bets.” Then he pressed his forehead to mine. “Now give your father a hug. He has a procedure and we have a wedding night.” He waggled his brows at me.

“You win.” I grinned.
