Page 44 of Gianni DeLuca

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LATER THAT NIGHT, WISDOMand I relaxed outside by the pool, smoking cigars and discussing business and friendship. “G, sounds like you’ve been planning your move all along."

"Not really. Money laundering puts me back in the game I no longer want. Maybe not the same level, but I’m going down for a long time if I ever get caught.”

“You won’t. I got you.” He promised, forever my cocky friend. “BFL, remember?”

“Always.” We dapped cigars. “This may be the only ‘out’ I’m allowed so Paris and I can stop hiding. I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to go to Enzo and propose my plan. Allowing my mother to visit me was my answer. His anger has passed enough for me to at least have a conversation.”

“And if he decides to kill you?”

“That wouldn’t be a wise business decision. At the end of the day, the mafia is nothing but a family business. He may have his own terms before he agrees. Whatever they are, it’s unlikely my death is one of them.”

“True.” He inhaled deeply before slowly blowing out cherry-scented smoke. “Still, I’m sending my best men to protect you when you meet with him. We didn’t become friends again, so one of us could die.”

“Did you feel that way before or after you shot me?” I teased.

He shifted in his seat, pointing his cigar at me. “Chalk it to the game. You know I’m a perfect shot anyway. If I wanted you dead, you would’ve been that night.”

“That’s why I forgave you.” I acknowledged and placed my cigar on the ashtray.

“Let me ask you something.”


“Would you have chosen Enzo’s original plan if Paris decided that was the best?”

I stared at my cigar as I contemplated his question. “For a moment, I felt this quiet rage that she would dare defy me, especially in front of family. I’m used to my word being the law. Then thankfully, rationality broke through, and I understood that for her and me to work, I needed to trust her guidance as she has trusted mine. Paris wouldn’t make a decision that would hurt the family. So, yeah, I would’ve agreed with whatever she said.”

He whistled. “Shit, G. That’s real love. We would still be arguing right now. Not sure I could handle love if it happened to me. Definitely don’t want it. Need to make too many compromises, and I’m an uncompromising man.”

“I didn’t think I could handle love. I was scared of it, actually, but Paris made it easy.”

Wisdom burned the end of the cigar with his gold lighter and tossed me the lighter. “Paris has had it rough over the years, seeing fucked up shit none of us should have seen. I’m glad she found you again. Not going to lie; I was pissed when I found out you knocked her up. I was honestly more hurt because you kept a secret from me. I figured you liked each other. I didn’t know you were smashing.”

I relit my cigar and puffed before I spoke again. “It was just once and after my father’s funeral. I doubt we would’ve had sex that soon had he lived. Shit, many things would’ve been different had he lived.”

“Yeah. So much would’ve been different. Different in ways we can’t possibly know.” Wisdom looked at me. “What I do know is that we can’t live in the past full of regrets and resentments. Somehow things still work out. If you and Paris didn’t have sex, we wouldn’t have had Courage. He gave Paris a reason to live. She was so devastated by my father’s death and almost losing me she went through it. He was a good kid. He was smart as a whip and probably loved me more than his mother. I didn’t want this life for him, but I never showed him another way. So, I accept responsibility for him.”

“If I raised him, he wouldn’t have seen another way either. And he’s all our responsibility now.”

Wisdom added quietly, “Yeah...we need to keep an eye on him. His ambition is his weakness.”

“I know.”

“Hey...can you not hog my brother?” Paris complained as she walked onto the patio.

“Always thinking someone leaving you out.” Wisdom chuckled.

She flicked her tongue at him, reminiscent of our teenage years. “Because the two of you always did.”

“Um...who got pregnant with my best friend, and I didn’t know it?” He reached in the mahogany box on the table between us and pulled out another Cuban. Paris took it with a pleased smile.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down on my lap. “Are you happy now? You finally get to be a part of our conversation.”

“I am happy.” She wrapped one arm around my neck and bumped fists with her brother.

And the three of us discussed old times and made plans for business and friendship as we enjoyed the temperate, tropical air. Unsure if what we set forth would work. Yet sure, we were willing to take a risk for our family. After all, I’d already taken the biggest risk, the biggest gamble of all, and won. Love.

