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“Fine. I’ll own my mistake.”

My eyes nearly pop out of my head. A man who admits a mistake?

“What?” He challenges. “Didn’t think I had it in me?”

I’m done with this conversation. I run my finger down his chest. He stops me before I can get to the goodies. I stick out my lip and pout. “Are you seriously withholding sex until I say you’re my boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend, friend with benefits, man, I don’t give a shit what you call me as long as I’m the only one in your bed at night.”

“Demanding, aren’t you?”

“I know what I want, and I’m taking it. I waited too long to have you in my arms to let you slip away now.”

“Whoa.” I take a step back but run into the vanity. “Waited too long?”

“You’re not getting this, are you?” Obviously not. “I’ve wanted you since junior year when you walked right up to me in the cafeteria and told me I threw like a girl at the previous football game.”

Guilty. I did do that. In my defense, Suzie dared me and then spent the entire weekend bawk-bawk-bawking at me until I stomped over to Aiden at lunch and opened my big fat loser mouth to shut her the hell up.

He cradles my face with his hands. “I was too chicken shit to go after what I wanted then. Now, I’m a grown man and I’m not letting anything get in my way including you and your stupid excuses.”

I stomp my foot. “My excuses aren’t stupid. We don’t really know each other.”

“Fine. Then, we’ll get to know each other while we’re a couple. And while we’re a couple, you will not date other men.”

I should probably tell him I don’t date much, and I certainly don’t get asked out on dates very often, but he’s sexy as all get out when he’s all growly with jealousy. I may be a modern hear-me-roar woman, but I still melt when a man makes it obvious he wants me and me alone.

“And you won’t be dating other women either,” I demand because what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

“I don’t care about any other woman but you.”

“Including your ex, Stephanie.” The taste of the name of the woman who wants to take Aiden away from me feels nasty on my tongue.

“Including Stephanie.” He swallows before continuing. “Speaking of her, I should probably apologize.”

I snort. “It’s fine. I know you were just being a man, aka a complete idiot, who didn’t realize his ex is a man-eating shark who wants him back.”

He smiles and places his forehead against mine. “Do we have a deal?”

I take a deep breath and stare into his eyes for a long moment. Do we have a deal? Can I really, truly give this whole relationship thing a try? I’m an idiot. What am I questioning myself for? We are talking about the man I’ve been crushing on for the past fifteen-some-years. I nod.


“Y-y-yes.” I clear my throat. I am not a scaredy-cat. “Yes.”

“Good.” He kisses the tip of my nose and steps away. I turn back to the mirror to tame my hair into submission. He slaps my behind. “Now, come on and get dressed. We’ve got places to go.”

Wait. What? “You’re serious? We’re not going to crawl back into bed and test the bedsprings?”

“Oh, we’ll be testing those bedsprings again today. Just not right now.”

Which is how I find myself playing paintball with a bunch of overzealous off-duty cops who think it’s hilarious to try and take the private investigator out. Actually, there’s no trying. They do take me out. I’m covered in paint from my head to my toes. Unfortunately, the paintball place supplies gear for everything from your shoes to your hands and face. But hair? Nope. My hair is now a multitude of colors.

I glare at Aiden as he stalks toward me with a smirk on his face. “You are making this up to me with orgasms.”

I hear chuckles from behind me. Crap. We aren’t alone out here. Now his whole department heard me demand the man give me orgasms. I’m pretty sure the warmth coming off my face could heat the entire city for the month of December, and it gets effing cold here in December with the wind whipping off the lake.

Aiden throws his arms around me and pulls me close. “You have a deal, Ms. McGraw,” he whispers. I shiver and mold my mouth to his.

“Save it for later, unless you want us to see how you make it up to Hailey,” someone shouts.

I bury my face in Aiden’s chest. The man makes me forget where I am the moment he places his hands on me. “You’re paying for that as well,” I grumble.

I feel his chest move with his laughter. “I’ll open up an account.”
