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I shrug. “I don’t know. Guess you’ll have to find out for yourself.”

The group studies my uncles for a few seconds before they start running. They push and shove each other in an effort to be the first one to reach the table. Sid and Barney smile as they approach, but Lenny and Wally look like they would prefer to face down an enemy line than a bunch of women.

“You’re mean,” Aiden says from my side, and I jump in surprise.

“They deserved it,” I insist and then start taking orders from the remaining women.

I grab the ingredients for a frozen daiquiri and point to the other side of the bar. “You shouldn’t be behind the bar.”

He chuckles but moves to the other side of the bar where he leans against the wait station. “Can you grab me a beer when you get a chance?”

I grab a beer from the cooler and hand it to him. “I’ll be over as soon as the pressure lets up a little.”

Fifteen minutes later, I join Aiden, Suzie, and Phoebe at their table. “Here,” I say as I set a new round of beers on the table. “Sorry, Phoebe, we’re out of Stolichnaya up here. I wasn’t sure if another vodka was acceptable.”

“Beer is fine.”

“Come here, honey.” Aiden grabs my hips and pulls me into the booth next to him. We’re touching from hip to foot. My body tingles, and I shiver.

Aiden winks before taking a pull of his beer. His eyes widen with surprise. “This is good.” He looks at the label. “Short But Stout. Never heard of it before.”

I look at Suzie who shakes her head. “It’s new. We started stocking it last week. We’re the only bar in Milwaukee to serve it.”

“I don’t know why,” he says as he takes another pull. “It’s good. Really sophisticated.”

“They don’t sell it in stores, but I know the brewer. I can get you a case or two.”

“Sounds good.”

I look directly at Suzie. “Suze, you got another batch ready yet?”

Her eyes narrow and she does her best glare. Too bad she’s too darn cute to pull it off. “What? I don’t know why you’re shy about your beer. It’s awesome.”

“You?” Aiden points his beer bottle toward her. “You brew this?”

“What? You don’t think a girl can be a brewer?”

He raises his hands. “I would never say anything of the sort. But I’m not sure how you manage to brew beer without harming yourself or burning the place down.”

“Well, there was the time—”

“Hey!” Suzie shouts to cut me off before I can tell Aiden about the time the firefighters showed up at her place. “I’m not a complete klutz.” She lifts her arm and points her finger at him. As she shakes her finger at him, her arm moves and swipes her beer. It falls and clatters to the floor, shattering into a million pieces.

“Guess you proved him wrong,” Phoebe says.

Suzie frowns at her. “I think I liked you better when you were a scared little mouse.”

Suzie’s teasing, but Phoebe’s face falls and she nearly disappears into herself.

“Oh shit, I’m an asshole. I didn’t mean it.” She grabs Phoebe and pulls her into her arms. She rocks back and forth. “I’m sorry, Pheebs. Please forgive me.”

“As long as you never call me Pheebs again, we’re good.”

I shake my head at Phoebe. Wrong thing to say. Now, Suzie is going to call her Pheebs just to annoy her. Phoebe has a lot to learn about being friends with crazy people.

Aiden places his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close. “Having fun?”

“Yeah.” How could I not be having a good time? I’ve got my girls with me. I tortured my uncles. And the man I’ve wanted since I’ve known what the difference between boys and girls is, is sitting right next to me. Things couldn’t be more perfect.
