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Chapter 23

I’m not addicted to beer. We’re just in a committed relationship.

I’m dragging on Saturday morning as I clean the brew shack. Unfortunately, I’m not dragging because I have a hangover, since girl’s night out last night was a complete and total bust. Not only did we not have a girl’s night out since we joined the boys, but Grayson pretended I was invisible.

If I really were invisible it would be beyond cool. I’m not above sneaking into bathrooms and closets to scare the fudge out of people. And just think how cops would freak out if they saw my car driving down the road without a driver. But I’m not invisible. I’m plain old Suzie. A little crazy, a little klutzy, and apparently also forgettable.

Ugh! Why am I thinking about Grayson? If he can easily forget about me, I should give him the same treatment. Step one – delete his information from my phone. Before I can change my mind, I take my phone out of my back pocket and find Grayson’s contact information. My thumb hovers over the delete contact button for a second before I force myself to move.

There! I feel better already. I decide to turn on some music. Music will improve my mood. I put on my 80s music playlist and Duran Duran starts singing about a wolf. I hum and tumble over made up words as I wipe down the tables. Don’t judge. No one knows the words to Hungry Like the Wolf!

When someone starts banging on the door, I ignore it. If Hailey wants in, she can pick the stupid lock. Although this time I did engage the deadbolt. She’s the one who said she wants a challenge.

The banging continues. Fine. I’ll switch off the music and open the door, but I do not have to pretend to be happy about it. I yank open the door. “Hailey—” Shit. It’s not Hailey. “What do you want?”

I don’t wait for his answer but retreat into the building and grab a broom. I start sweeping as if I haven’t a care in the world. Good thing no one can see how much my hands are shaking. Despite what an ass he was last night, Little Susan sits up and pays attention. There may also be some swooning and talk of how he came for us. Little Susan needs to get a life.

Grayson comes in and shuts the door behind him. “We need to talk.”

I snort. “Like you talked to me last night?”

“I deserved that,” he says from way too close to me.

He reaches around me for the broom, but I hold on tight. We end up playing tug of war with it. Ugh. Whatever. I let go and Grayson grunts as the broom smacks him in the chest. I don’t smile. Too much.

While he leans the broom against the wall, I cross my arms over my chest and prepare to do battle. “What do you want?”

“I came back to tell you I forgive you, but then I saw you sitting all cozy with Sam and I got mad.”

I try to not let the shock show on my face. He came to forgive me? And he was jealous? It’s upside-down world today, but no one warned me. I take a deep breath and dive in.

“We’ll get back to the whole mad thing in a minute. Forgive me?”

His throat moves as he swallows. “Yes, I forgive you for nosing into my life and going to talk to Liz.”

My stomach warms and the tension I’ve been carrying around in my shoulders for weeks releases. “I was only trying to help,” I explain.

“I know, but it took me some time to see it. Liz and my mom were pretty adamant you were fantastic for trying to help me.”

I wink. “I am pretty fantastic.” I allow him to chuckle for a moment before I tackle the second part of what he said. “Why were you mad because I was talking to Sam?”

He growls. “You weren’t talking to Sam. You were flirting with him.”

“Excuse you? I was not flirting with him. He’s a married man. I would never flirt with a married man.”

“You sure looked animated.”

“He asked about my beer, and I probably bored him to tears with my tales of brewing.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You talked openly about your brewing?” I nod. “Does this mean you’re ready to take the next step?”

I wag a finger at him. “Don’t distract me. Why were you mad when you thought I was flirting?”

Grayson steps closer until I can smell him. Mmm… mint and vanilla never smelled this good before. My entire body wakes up and Little Susan gets out the pompoms and starts cheering. Here we go!

He tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Goosebumps erupt where he touches me. “I think you know why,” he whispers.

His eyes drop to my lips and my tongue peeks out to wet them. He groans. “Say you want me. Say I’m not alone in this thing.”
