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Chapter 36

You can’t find happiness at the bottom of a beer. Obviously. Who’s happy when their beer’s gone?

Isigh as I collapse on the bed in our hotel room that night. Today was exhausting. Not exhausting as in I walked five miles – although we did walk around the cemetery a lot – but mentally exhausting. To my surprise, it was also a fun day.

Liz and Grayson told a ton of hilarious stories about Bill and how much trouble they got into growing up. Grayson’s mom is a saint to have put up with his shenanigans. How many times can a kid get suspended from high school? Isn’t there a limit? I should probably feel sorry for all the kids who ended up with frogs and other icky stuff in their lockers, but Grayson says they only targeted kids who were bullies. Bullies suck.

When Grayson and Jerry stalked off to have a man to man talk, I panicked and rushed after them. Liz held me back. I had nearly bit off all my fingernails by the time they returned. I grabbed Grayson’s hands and checked his knuckles for bruising and blood. To my relief, there was no sign of a fight. Although I’m sure Grayson could cause a man a ton of damage without getting a mark on himself.

After the cemetery, Liz invited us to her house where we had dinner and cake. Jerry appears comfortable in the house. It’s obvious he’s spent a lot of time there. I kept my eye on Grayson, but he seemed to handle the replacement of his best friend in stride.

We finally left when it was time for little Grayson to go to bed. But first, he insisted Uncle Grayson read him a story. I may have snuck to the door of the bedroom to watch. My heart about melted when I saw the two of them cuddled up on the bed.

Grayson lays on the bed next to me and wraps his arms around me.

“Now, it’s time to talk.”

I groan. “We’ve been talking all day. Can’t you just rip my clothes off and ravish me?”

He smirks. “While your idea has merit, we do need to talk.”

“About what?” I ask all innocent like.

Grayson chuckles. He doesn’t buy my innocent act. Of course not. It is an act after all. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I told you something important on Easter and you never responded.”

I close my eyes and bury my face in his chest. Ugh. His declaration of love is the last thing I want to talk about. “Why can’t we avoid talking about this for a bit longer?”

He threads his fingers through my hair and tugs my head away from his chest forcing me to look up at him. “I think two months is enough avoidance.”

“You do?” I wrinkle my brow. “Two months is nothing.”

His hands tighten on my hair. “Don’t be glib.”

“But I’m so good at it.”

“Enough,” he growls. “I know you’re scared.” I bristle. “No. Don’t try to deny it. I know Toby messed your head up to the point you are now afraid I’m going to betray you or some shit.”

“I’m not afraid you’re going to betray me. I trust you.”

I’m not just spouting words. I do trust him. I trust him more than I ever trusted Toby. And therein lies the rub. How can I possibly trust someone I’ve known for less than a year more than the man I loved for years?

Adult Suzie tuts at me. You didn’t love Toby. You thought you loved Toby. You were wrong.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Adult Suzie? She’s a total pain in my ass. She’s also right, and she doesn’t hesitate to rub it in. Bitch.

“Then what are you afraid of?” Grayson asks and my attention returns to the man staring down at me with love clearly reflected in his eyes.

“It’s all happening too quick. I’ve known you less time than the time it took me to fall in love with Toby.”

Grayson grunts. “Are you seriously going to keep lying to me about loving Toby? You and I both know you never loved the man.”

“What? I did love him!” Can you go to hell for lying? Because I am a big fat lying mess.

Grayson doesn’t argue or get mad. No, he grins at me and releases my hair to cradle my face with his hands. “Let’s forget about Toby. Let’s stick to the people in this room on this bed right now. They’re the only people who matter. You with me?”

I swallow the lump forming in my throat and nod.

“I love you, Suzie Langley.” My heart flutters as my entire body heats and goosebumps erupt across my skin. “And I know you love me.”
